What Is the Most Popular Procedures in Plastic Surgery in 2023

Many people think that plastic surgery is a new trend, but the truth is that it has been practiced for centuries. However, lately, all the stigma about it has finally disappeared and more and more people choose to improve their looks through plastic surgery. The trend has been motivated by the desire to improve one’s physical appearance, and as technology has developed, plastic surgery techniques have become more widely available, adaptable, and secure. In 2023, some plastic surgery treatments are more popular than others, so let’s talk about the top five:


Another prevalent plastic surgery treatment is rhinoplasty, also known as a nose job. The nose is reshaped during this operation to enhance both its beauty and functioning. Rhinoplasty can correct problems like a crooked nose, a bridge hump, or a bulbous tip. Also, it can assist in easing breathing difficulties brought on by structural problems with the nose. Rhinoplasty is a treatment that allows for a great deal of customization, and patients can work with their surgeons to get the results they want. Depending on how extensive the alterations must be, the treatment can be carried out using either an open or closed approach. Individual patient recovery times may vary, however, most patients can resume their regular activities within a week to ten days.

Breast augmentation

One of the most common cosmetic surgery operations over the years has always been breast augmentation which you can get from dr rojas plastic surgery. In order to enlarge the breasts, improve their shape, and accentuate their symmetry, the operation uses implants. Saline or silicone implants can be used for breast augmentation; the choice of implant type and size will depend on the patient’s objectives and body type, so it’s best to consult with an expert. If you go on the Bella Plastic Surgery website, you can find amazing information about the procedure and even book your first consultations. With true experts, breast augmentation is safe and adjustable thanks to developments in technology, practice, and procedures. Breast augmentation is truly a procedure that can change lives by elevating self-confidence, helping you feel better about your body, and enhancing your overall attractiveness. Women who have a mastectomy due to breast cancer can also potentially benefit from it.


Liposuction is a process used to get rid of extra fat from certain body parts, like the thighs, hips, and abdomen. During the operation, a tiny cannula is used to suction out the fat, giving the patient’s body a leaner, more contoured appearance. Targeting fatty deposits that are resistant to diet and exercise can be done successfully with liposuction. The fact that liposuction is not a weight-loss operation and should not be utilized in place of leading a healthy lifestyle should not be overlooked. Long-lasting outcomes from liposuction are possible for those who follow a balanced diet and exercise frequently.


Our skin becomes less elastic as we get older, which can lead to wrinkles and sagging. By elevating and tightening the skin, a facelift is a plastic surgery technique that can help revitalize the face. Incisions are made around the hairline and ears, and the skin and muscles are then repositioned to give the patient a more youthful appearance. A facelift can assist to improve facial symmetry, lessen aging symptoms, and boost confidence. The process can be modified to target particular problem regions, such as the forehead, cheeks, or neck. Most people can resume work and daily activities in two weeks or less after their facelift, but each surgery is unique so it’s crucial to follow the doctor’s instructions.

Tummy tuck

Abdominoplasty, or a “tummy tuck,” is a technique that slims the abdomen by removing extra skin and fat to achieve a flatter and more toned look. Women who have had children or who have lost a lot of weight and wish to get back in shape after giving birth frequently have this operation. A tummy tuck involves making an incision along the lower abdomen and removing extra skin and fat, and in some cases, abdominal muscles can also be tightened.  Dr. Matthew Schulman – Abdominoplasty Surgeon, a renowned specialist in this field, ensures that patients receive the highest quality care during their tummy tuck procedure. Once again, recovery differs from person to person but most patients can anticipate returning to work and daily routines in two to four weeks.


Over the years, plastic surgery techniques have gained popularity, and in 2023, we can see just how accepted it has become. If you feel like you’re in for rejuvenation and improvement of your aesthetics, these procedures will definitely satisfy your expectations and can improve your physical appearance, self-esteem, and general quality of life.