Is the loss of eyelashes a natural occurrence?
You might have enjoyed discovering a stray eyelash on your cheek as a child and blowing it off your finger to make a wish. Although, in your adulthood, you might be less excited if you realize your eyelashes are falling out. It is reasonable to be concerned about whether they will ever grow back. However, eyelashes, other hair on your head, renew in a normal cycle.
What is the natural cycle of eyelash growth?
On each lid, the normal adult has 100 to 150 upper lashes and 50 to 75 lower lashes. Each eyelash has three phases in its growth cycle:
- The Anagen phase
This is the time when each eyelash grows. This period usually lasts between two and four weeks. If you lose an eyelash during this time, it will not regrow immediately.
- The Catagen phase
Another name for this stage is transition phase and the hair stops growing in this stage. This last about 1 to 2 weeks.
- The Telogen Phase
This is the longest phase, lasting four to nine months. It is the span of time between when your eyelash falls out and when a new one grows in its place. At any given time, your eyelashes could be in any of the three phases. The full cycle of eyelashes might span anywhere from five to eleven months. Even if you do not see them falling out, it is natural to lose a few lashes on most days.
What causes eyelashes to fall out?
If you use mascara and your eyelashes fall out a lot, you might be allergic to it. It is also possible that you are using too much mascara. Too much eyelash loss can alert you to be a symptom of a medical problem.
These can include the following:
- Hyperthyroidism
- Hypothyroidism
- Scleroderma
- Lupus
- alopecia areata
Blepharitis, an inflammation of the eyelids, can also cause extreme eyelash loss. If you are having chemotherapy, you can lose your eyelashes for a while.
If your eyelash loss is due to a medical condition, your doctor could be able to treat the underlying cause. This can lead to the reemergence of normal eyelash development. There are various medically sound strategies to accelerate lash development if you do not have a root cause for your eyelash loss.
How can I hasten the process of regrowth?
Eyelash development can be accelerated in a number of ways:
- Maintain a balanced diet.
Eyelash growth, as well as overall health, is aided by good nutrition. Here are some nutrients that may aid in the growth of eyelashes.
Protein: Because protein makes up the majority of your hair, eating a diet rich in it is essential. Protein delivers amino acids to the body, which are required for keratin production. Keratin can aid in the maintenance of healthy and robust eyelashes.
Biotin is a nutrient that aids in the formation of keratin. It might be found in various foods, including:
Cauliflower, broccoli, kale, onions, and whole grains are examples of healthy foods.
Fruits and vegetables
Vitamin A and C-rich fruits and vegetables: These fruits and vegetables boost cell and collagen formation, which aids in eyelash growth:
- fruits and vegetables with a dark orange or yellow hue
- berries
- avocados
Niacin (vitamin B-3) stimulates hair development by improving blood supply to hair follicles. Niacin can be found in a variety of foods:
- Beef
- fish
- chicken
- turkey
- peanuts
- peas verdes
- avocados
Iron deficiency can cause a large number of eyelashes to enter the resting phase at the same time. Iron-rich diets may assist to avoid this. These are some of them:
- Spinach
- dried fruit
- poultry
- seafood beans
- iron-fortified cereals
- Multivitamins should be taken.
A multivitamin can help you acquire the nutrients you need by supplementing your diet. Although there are a few brands dedicated to hair, nail, and skin health, any high-quality multivitamin should suffice.
Make sure the one you choose contains 100% of the daily recommended consumption.
- Use lash conditioners that are available over-the-counter.
A variety of eyelash growth serums and conditioning gels are available. These can be worn on their own or under makeup. Check for more information about eyelash serums. Conditioners, such as lipid or peptide complexes, are found in some mascaras and may aid in lash growth.
How can I keep my eyelashes from falling out in the future?
Excessive eyelash loss can be avoided by making small changes to your everyday routine. You may wish to do the following, depending on your lifestyle:
- Invest in a new mascara. It is possible that you are allergic to your brand and are not aware of it. If you are currently using waterproof mascara, consider switching to a non-waterproof kind.
- Gently remove your makeup. Rubbing or tugging at your lashes, especially if they are mascara-coated, might cause them to come out. Using a light touch and a gentle makeup remover can assist.
- Remove your makeup before going to bed. Mascara-coated lashes are more fragile and susceptible to breaking. It is also possible that rubbing against your pillow all night will trigger them to fall out.
- Get rid of your eyelash curler. These devices can pull your eyelashes out, especially if you use them while wearing mascara.
- Remove fake eyelashes and extensions with care. Medical-grade adhesive is used to affix these goods to your natural lashes. It is possible that removing the glue will also remove your lashes. Make sure you use an oil-based cleanser that is mild. Alternatively, you can let the extensions fall off on their own.
Final words
Eyelashes grow in a natural pattern and fall out at a predictable rate. Although this may create alarm, keep in mind that they usually heal on their own. If you want to accelerate your growth, there are a number of home remedies.
Consult your doctor if you are experiencing any strange symptoms or are afraid that your eyelash loss could be an indication of anything more serious