The debate over marijuana continues. There’s a conflict between the belief that marijuana is a beneficial treatment for many conditions and the insufficient information available on its effects. A push for legalization has recently aggravated this conflict. Hence, marijuana is now legal in many states for medical, recreational, or both. However, you will need Ohio Medical Marijuana Card to purchase it legally. Let’s take a closer look at the difference between both uses.
Difference Between Medical Marijuana And Recreational Cannabis
There isn’t a massive difference between the two uses. The main distinction between medical marijuana and recreational cannabis is the amount of cannabidiol (CBD) and tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), the active chemical in marijuana. THC is the active ingredient in recreational marijuana, and it’s THC that makes users feel high. Although THC is beneficial medicinally, its stimulating properties make it unsuitable for people who choose to legally consume medical marijuana through an MMJ card.
On the other hand, CBD is an effective medical treatment for various illnesses without the sensation of being high. You don’t have to consume marijuana with a high THC content if you use it for medicinal purposes. Although both medical and recreational marijuana contains THC and CBD, a product with a higher CBD level is likely to provide more medical benefits.
Medical Marijuana Benefits
It’s apparent that marijuana has several benefits, regardless of the form it’s taken in or the cause for which it’s used. Here are some medical marijuana health benefits that are addressed in research and anecdotal evidence:
1. Treatment Of Pain
The CBD found in marijuana could alleviate pain by modifying the pathways of pain perception in the brain. This could be effective for treating chronic pain disorders such as fibromyalgia, arthritis, endometriosis, and migraine.
Cancer treatments can also be made more bearable by medical marijuana such as reducing nausea and appetite loss. Furthermore, there has been some evidence to suggest that medical marijuana can be used to replace NSAIDs such as ibuprofen, which have significant side effects, with longer use of medical marijuana.
2. Cancer Prevention
In addition to helping relieve the side effects of chemotherapy, studies have also shown that CBD can inhibit cell growth and motivate cell death in cervical cancer cell lines. It contains anti-cancer properties that can prevent various cancers, treat tumors, and enhance the immune system. While CBD appears to help with such symptoms and treatment reactions, there’s no proof that CBD can battle cancer itself.
3. Reduction of Inflammation
Not only does marijuana have a beneficial effect on inflammation and a variety of inflammation-related conditions (irritable bowel syndrome, Crohn’s disease, rheumatoid arthritis, etc.), but the entourage effect caused by the combination of cannabinoids and THC gives users a more excellent result.
When this combination occurs, inflammation is considerably reduced, as are the diseases and symptoms accompanying it. Reduced inflammation can also benefit overall well-being.
4. Alleviation Of Mental And Neurological Disorders
Regardless of marijuana’s legal standing, many individuals with neurological and mental disorders take it and experience improvement in their symptoms. Doctors prescribe medical marijuana to alleviate symptoms of PTSD, anxiety disorders, depression, and even insomnia.
Patients also use medical marijuana to treat neurological illnesses such as multiple sclerosis spasticity, dementia agitation, and certain seizure disorders unresponsive to traditional therapy. Despite all of these benefits, it’s said that marijuana isn’t the best remedy for other mental illnesses, including bipolar disorder and psychosis.
Recreational Cannabis Effects
Marijuana may not be suitable for all users. Despite its many health benefits, the long-term, unethical use of marijuana can leave you anxious, fearful, panicked, or paranoid. Improper use of marijuana may worsen your symptoms of depression or heighten your chances of clinical depression. It’s unclear exactly why. When taken in large amounts, it can make you paranoid or lose touch with reality, making you hear or see things that aren’t there.
Marijuana clouds your judgment and perceptions. The effects can vary depending on many factors, including how potent the drug is, how you took it, and how much marijuana you’ve used before.
When used long-term, marijuana usage can cause:
- Memory loss
- Difficulty learning and thinking
- Changes in brain structure
Young people are more susceptible to the effects of marijuana. Those developing their brains are at much greater risk, especially those under 25. When younger people use marijuana regularly, they’re at risk for:
- Lower IQ
- Changes in brain regions linked to learning, memory, and attention
- Anxiety, depression, and other psychological issues
- Poor academic performance
Marijuana is among the most controversial issues today, both legally and in terms of health. The plant can treat various ailments, but long-term usage can be highly hazardous. If you’re curious about the possible health benefits, you should first consult with a physician to assist in navigating the benefits and potential hazards, as well as the laws for having a card for medical marijuana in your state.