Our skin naturally regenerates itself, and for a young person, the cell renewal process is complete in 28 days, yet as we age, this rejuvenation process takes longer, with a middle-aged person, this could take up to 50 days. The microdermabrasion treatment actually removes a layer of deal skin cells, which then promotes the renewal process by allowing oxygen to reach the growing cells, while also promoting collagen production.
Stimulating Collagen
Collagen is an essential component to healthy-looking skin and the diamond tipped wand that runs over the skin, effectively removes dead skin cells, which are then vacuumed away to leave a new layer of skin. The high level of oxygen that can now reach the new skin cells stimulates the production of collagen, which in turn, encourages the skin renewal process. Fortunately, it isn’t difficult to source microdermabrasion treatments Melbourne patients count on and a Google search will take you to the website of a local skin care clinic.
A Healthy Glow To Your Skin
After receiving the microdermabrasion treatment, your skin will glow with good health, as the painless treatment has stimulated the new layer of skin, and this treatment is ideal for preparing the skin for other treatments, such as a peel or IPL. There is zero downtime with microdermabrasion treatment, and most people see visible results after the very first treatment.
Introductory Skin Examination
We are all unique in our make-up, and before any treatment can be administered, the skin expert needs to examine you. This will allow him or her to decide on the best treatment program, one that will yield the desired results, and some people have a skin complexion that responds better than others.
Hydro-dermabrasion is a treatment that even the most sensitive skin responds to, using microdroplets of oxygenated water, which rejuvenates the skin, making it look and feel healthy and vibrant. Exfoliating the skin is achieved using water, rather than a diamond-tipped wand, and the treatment does make you look younger.
Using A Natural Process
The reason why microdermabrasion produces such good results is that it is speeding up a natural process of skin renewal, with most people seeing visible improvement after their first treatment, and with the dermatologist scheduling a series of treatments, your skin will be rejuvenated. By speeding up a natural rejuvenation process and adding oxygen makes the renewal process that much quicker.
Talk To A Skin Specialist
To fully understand the microdermabrasion treatment, you can search online for a clinic that offers the treatment, and the chances are there is one in the city where you live. Once you have made an initial appointment, the skin expert will be able to tell what treatments would bring the best results, and by scheduling an appointment at a convenient time and date, you can take the first steps to skin rejuvenation using the latest dermabrasion treatment. Hydrofusion can address skin colour, pigmentation and skin hydration issues, and the results can take years off your life. Talk to a skin specialist and see what he can do for you.