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How to Keep Your Teeth Healthy and Your Confidence Up

The eyes are said to be windows to the soul, a gateway to our inner world and therefore one of the most valued features in a person. But how about the smile? Modern society places a great deal of importance on the way our smile looks. The Hollywood smile, with impeccable blocks of white teeth, perfectly aligned seems to be the golden standard. But not all mortals have been blessed with good genes or have the financial means to get a celebrity makeover.

Our relationship with our teeth is extremely personal and complicated and our self-confidence depends on it. There are people who love themselves just as they are, flaws and all, and there are those who feel like they’re worthless if they’re not perfect or at least making an effort to attain perfection.

No matter how we feel about the subject, there’s one thing we should all agree upon: caring for the health of our teeth. They may be crooked, they may be uneven or have a gap here and there, but ultimately a beautiful smile is a healthy smile. The surest way to maintain a good level of confidence is by embracing our particularities and focusing on our wellbeing. 

So how does one achieve a healthy smile and good self-esteem? It all starts with creating healthy habits and sticking to a proper routine. There are some general rules you should follow to get there.

Start caring for your teeth early

For many of us, that ship has long sailed, but it’s not too late for children. If you’re a parent, try to teach your kids the basics of good oral hygiene as early as possible and help them understand that hygienic teeth mean healthy teeth. The sooner they learn how to care for them, the greater the chances are to maintain these habits throughout their whole life and avoid dental problems. 

Dentists advise parents to start dental care once the baby’s first tooth appears. Then, around the age of 2, kids can already begin brushing their teeth themselves by using a special brush, obviously under a parent’s close supervision. 

Brush regularly

As most people already know, brushing twice a day is essential for keeping your teeth clean. However, not everyone knows the right techniques for brushing. First of all, you should choose a toothbrush with soft bristles and make sure not to be aggressive when brushing your teeth or else you’ll run the risk of damaging your tooth enamel and gums.

The best way to make sure every tooth is cleaned properly is by using circular motions and taking the time to get everywhere. You should brush for at least 3 minutes to do a thorough job. Also, don’t forget to brush your tongue as well – it’s called oral hygiene for a reason.

Use products that contain fluoride

Fluoride is found in many dental care products and many specialists claim that it provides a protective barrier for teeth and strengthens the enamel, therefore preventing tooth decay. Different studies have also shown that brushing and flossing alone won’t do much to protect teeth from cavities. There are many types of toothpaste on the market and just as many toothpaste flavors. So choose whichever you like, but make sure it contains fluoride to help keep those cavities away. 

Floss daily

Many people focus too much on brushing their teeth and not enough on flossing. Some think of it as being optional, but it’s actually a must-do. Flossing is not meant only to get rid of those annoying pieces of food stuck in between the teeth, although that’s a good enough reason to floss in itself. It can also help reduce plaque and inflammation, so it’s recommended to floss once a day.

Use mouthwash

Mouthwash falls in the same category of products some people think are unnecessary. That’s mostly because not many understand how mouthwash can help. After all, you keep it in your mouth for just a few seconds and then you spit it out, right? But specialists explain that mouthwash has the purpose of reducing the amount of acid in the oral cavity, cleaning areas that are hard to reach with a toothbrush and re-mineralizing teeth.

Be close to your dentist

With all the care in the world, there are still things you can’t manage by yourself. That’s why it’s important to pay your dentist a visit every once in a while, – ideally at least twice a year. On a routine visit, your teeth will be thoroughly cleaned and tartar and plaque will be removed. Your dentist can also check for cavities or other issues that only a professional is able to spot and address. 

Avoid smoking

It’s no news that smoking has a huge negative impact on a person’s overall health. It affects the body’s immune system which means that if you have a lesion, it will heal slower and that applies to oral lesions as well. Obviously, the recovery time after a dental procedure will be longer. Other issues smokers usually have to deal with include bad breath, stained teeth, and tongue.

Eat less sugar

Ever since we were children, we’ve been told that eating sweets will lead to cavities. Guess what? It’s still as true now as it was back then. The cruel reality is that sugary foods play an important role in cavity formation and there are various studies to prove it. So, to reduce the risk of tooth decay, you should cut down on desserts and candy, but also on some processed foods as they also contain an unhealthy amount of sugar.

Drink water, not juice

On the same no-sugar note, you might also want to consider giving up on consuming sugary drinks – sodas, juices, energy drinks are all to blame for developing cavities. Try to switch to water or unsweetened tea. It will be good for your teeth and your overall health.