Getting The Most Out of Your Meals When Dieting

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Starting a diet is difficult no matter when you do it. Whether you wait for an occasion like new year’s or your birthday or if you are wanting to get your body ready for the summer, the diet is no easier. This is because making a drastic change will only ever be temporary. Making a gradual change to your lifestyle and being able to stick with it is much more important. Here is some advice on getting the most out of your meals so that you don’t face the cravings of that delicious chocolate in the fridge.


There are several types of carb, and your body digests each one differently. Some carbs don’t digest fully. This leads you to know about net carbs vs total carbs. The difference between total carbs and net carbs is that total carbs include all of the carbs in your meal. That includes starch, fiber, and sugars. Net carbs only include carbs that the body can fully digest.

Calculating the difference can help you work out how much extra rubbish like sugar you are getting in your system, and you can alter your dietary requirements. Keeping a track of things like this will help you get well on your way with your diet.

When to eat

The way the body works is slightly weird. There are actually good times for eating. Scientists have found that the body responds better if you eat between 7 am and 7 pm. Precisely, you should eat breakfast at 7:11 am, lunch at 12:38 pm, and dinner should be consumed around 6:14 pm. The later you leave it, the worse it is for you. A recent study has shown you can add two inches to your waist eating later than 8 pm.


As with your meals, there are perfect times to snack as well. Ideally, you would be able to forgo those additions but depending on your calorie expenditure, you may require snacks to keep you going. The crucial points in the day are 11:01 am, 3:14 pm, and 9:31 pm where you are most likely to crave a snack. Plan for these by preparing healthy snacks or planning activities to occupy your mind and time before bed. This will help you keep those extra calories out of your system. For healthy snack options, check out

Skipping meals

Scientists have also concluded that skipping meals is not a good idea. Whilst it seems obvious if you would like to keep your calorie intake down then skipping a meal will certainly help you do that. However, meals missed do not equal pounds lost. It is a bit of a myth.

If your body does not get the nourishment it requires throughout the day, then your metabolism will slow down. You may lose weight initially but gain it later when your diet returns to a normal intake. 3 meals plus healthy snacks are the way to go.


There is no real trick to diets. They are hard work and require time and effort. There is always an excuse to get a quick takeaway or buy a frozen burger to make your life easier. If you want to lose weight in the long run then you have to stick to the plan and make gradual changes.