Tips for Surviving the First Few Weeks of a Physical Job

Sometimes, you have to do jobs that require a great deal of physical work and effort. That might mean using muscles that you have yet to work out recently. If you’re in a situation like this, you’ll need to take steps to promote muscle healing and reduce pain. Here’s what you can do to speed up the process.

1. Take Lots of Protein

Ingesting plenty of protein is paramount to feeling better much faster. Protein helps to promote the recovery process and also aids in producing those gorgeous muscles you see in other people who work complex labor jobs. You can get adequate protein by eating protein-rich foods or supplementing with shakes and mixes. Meat, peanut butter, and eggs contain a healthy portion of protein if you prefer to reach your goal with regular meals.

2. Use a Heating Pad

A heating pad can help you before and after you expose yourself to strenuous work. You can use it to loosen your muscles up before your shift or sit with it after a hard day’s work. Heating pads are typically affordable. Thus, you should be fine finding a good one at your local department store’s pharmacy. The prices will vary between $20 and $50.

3. Make Pain Meds Your Best Friend

Pain medicine can also help you get through the rough patch of the first few weeks in your new job. Things like ibuprofen and Tylenol can alleviate the uncomfortable feelings as your muscles adjust to the new activities. Consider using Only Pure CBD during your initial period. Many people have attested to the effectiveness of CBD for muscle pains and various other conditions. Therefore, it might be the perfect solution for you.

4. Avoid Letting Your Muscles Get Stiff

One of your primary goals should be to ensure your muscles don’t get stiff. The stiffer they are, the more they will hurt when you use them again. You can prevent stiffness by taking hot baths or showers or getting involved in stretching before you go to work.

Some jobs have mandatory pre-work stretching sessions. You can still benefit even if yours doesn’t by doing some on your own. You’ll find that your muscles stay looser, and you’re less prone to stiffness. A 60-second stretching session before engaging in activities is usually enough to keep you flexible.

5. Get a Massage or Massager

Massage is another effective instrument for alleviating and preventing muscle pain. Many options are available to you for such a service. You can purchase a deep tissue massager from a store if you’d instead handle this issue yourself. Alternatively, you can see a massage therapist and use your health insurance or personal funds to pay for the service. Either method will relieve any muscle pains or aggravations you might be having.

Try some of these suggestions if you’ve just started a strenuous job and are concerned about experiencing muscle discomfort. It would be best if you become more comfortable in your work within several weeks.