Functional medicine is a patient-centered approach to chronic disease management that focuses on identifying, addressing, and treating the root cause of the disease instead of the symptoms. When it comes to chronic medical conditions, the “one-size-fits-all” approach does not work. Every individual has a unique body chemistry and distinct living conditions. Hence, their needs are also highly specific. They will need personalized, effective care for their needs as well as disease management.

Have you ever noticed that even if two individuals have the same disease, their symptoms may not always be alike? Therefore, both of them may need a personalized solution to their medical concerns. While conventional medicine develops a treatment plan to eliminate the symptoms, functional medicine digs deep into the whole body system and treats the underlying cause of the disease.

In this article, we discuss some of the most significant benefits of functional medicine:

1. Focuses on root cause instead of symptoms

If the causes of an illness are not addressed and treated promptly, the symptoms will never stop arising. The same is the case with chronic diseases. For this reason, functional medicine can be a reliable approach to chronic disease management.

Functional medicine works by taking into account several factors causing a condition and then formulating a customized treatment plan. These factors may include genetics, diet, hormonal changes, over-the-counter medications, lifestyle, environmental components, etc. If you need help identifying the areas of your health that need support and attention, you should consult a functional medicine practitioner for your individual health concerns. You will get a care plan specific to your needs, considering current trends in natural healthcare and science.

2. Provides personalized healthcare plans

The most notable benefit of functional medicine is that it tailors personalized interventions to your unique needs and conditions. Functional medicine practitioners will spend considerable time collecting and understanding your medical history by considering several factors to pinpoint specific disease risks and optimal treatments. As a result, the devised treatment plan will be highly personalized.

Functional medicine practitioners take into account your unique circumstances, lifestyle, and personal history to provide you with tailored advice to treat your health condition. A completely customized treatment plan can ultimately lead to improved outcomes. Simply put, functional medicine is a patient-centered approach that focuses on taking a comprehensive view of a patient’s health and then formulating a fully customized treatment plan.

3. A broad and multidisciplinary approach

Another benefit of functional medicine is its broad and multidisciplinary approach. Functional medicine connects traditional medicine with multiple alternative treatment approaches to increase the chances of a patient’s recovery from chronic illness.

A functional medicine approach includes medications, herbal or botanical supplements, detox programs, vitamin supplements, and more. It also includes lifestyle recommendations to improve nutrition, physical activity, stress management, sleeping habits, working of mind, and much more. Functional medicine also emphasizes the use of natural therapies, such as acupuncture and naturopathy. This is how functional medicine provides you with the tools needed for sustainable wellness.

4. Scientific-based and effective treatment

Functional medicine relies on the collection of patients’ data (medical history, lifestyle factors, physiology, etc.) to determine the underlying cause of their chronic disease. The unique genetic makeup of an individual is also considered before creating a treatment plan, along with internal and external factors that affect the body’s normal functioning.

Furthermore, functional medicine also encompasses advanced functional labs to determine the factors that could be contributing to an illness. These lab tests can help identify imbalances or deficiencies in the body that can eventually lead to serious health complications. The common lab tests include food sensitivity testing, stool analysis to investigate gut microbiome composition, hormonal testing, micronutrients testing, organic acid testing, and more. Thanks to these tests, patients may be able to expect effective treatment through functional medicine.

5. Helps improves overall health and wellness

The greatest advantage of functional medicine is that it provides a roadmap for the patient’s overall health and well-being. The data gathered for analysis provide a deep understanding of why the patient is suffering from a specific health condition. The same data can then be used to provide key data for the maintenance of general health and wellness.

In addition, functional medicine not only deals with treating underlying causes but is also an important tool in preventing chronic diseases. It provides preventive care by focusing on dietary modifications (such as a therapeutic diet), the use of the latest laboratory tests, a prescribed combination of drugs, and several other diagnostic techniques. Therefore, the functional medicine approach can protect you from many chronic diseases, leading to improved health and well-being in the long term.

6. Creates a patient-doctor partnership

In standard care, patients usually do not have significant input in their care. They are not given a voice to express their health concerns fully. The common practice is to prescribe the drug and expect the patient to follow the prescription blindly. However, in functional medicine, the practitioner will conduct in-depth consultation and take your extensive personal history. They will listen to your concerns without interruption. The first visit usually lasts for around an hour or two. Open communication between the doctor and the patient helps build trust between the two and creates a partnership. You will be able to explain your health concerns better, and it can lead to improved outcomes.

Bottom line

Every person is born with a distinct genetic makeup and has a unique lifestyle. Therefore, the care provided to each individual should also be fully customized to meet their individual needs. That is where functional medicine helps.

Functional medicine can be an effective alternative option to a conventional treatment approach. It is a combination of multiple treatment approaches. It helps ensure the general well-being of an individual by providing preventive care, and helps ensure you, the patient, also has some say in the treatment for your chronic or other health conditions.