9 Ways You Can Minimise and Prevent Keloid Scars

keloid scar

Keloid scars don’t look great and they aren’t always easy to treat but it is possible.

People with darker skin tones are far more susceptible to keloid scarring but it isn’t quite clear why this is.

Keloids can form after even the slightest injury, including cuts, scratches, acne, piercings and burns. Basically, the skin just keeps trying to repair an injury long after the wound has healed, which is when keloids form. The size of the keloid will depend on the extent of the injury.  

Unfortunately, a keloid won’t simply go away on its own but if you seek treatment early on, you can reduce its size quite drastically. Some of the most common solutions include laser therapy, keloid injections, cryotherapy and surgery. A doctor will be able to tell you more about the treatment options that are right for you.

Naturally, when you’ve gotten rid of a keloid, you don’t want it to return or for a new one to develop. Here are a few of the things you can do to ensure this doesn’t happen.

9 Simple Ways to Avoid Keloids

According to Dr Ed Omarjee, here are a few of the ways that you can possibly prevent keloids from forming:

  1. Leave your breakouts alone. If you have acne, it’s important to stick to your skin care regime and to touch your face as little as possible. By popping or scratching at your pimples, it could cause a keloid on your face, which will look much worse than the acne.
  2. Keep shaving to a minimum. It’s not always possible to avoid shaving but it’s important to be extremely careful when you do need to shave because even the smallest nick can create a keloid.
  3. Avoid cosmetic surgery. If possible, avoid cosmetic surgery or at least keep it to a minimum. If you know that you’re prone to keloids, be sure to tell your surgeon so that you can find a way to minimise any scarring. Your surgeon will probably find a way to place pressure on the wound to prevent a keloid from forming.
  4. Treat any injuries right away. If you injure or burn your skin, treat it as quickly as you can. Clean the wound with a gentle cleanser and run cool water over a burn before applying a compress. See a doctor if it’s necessary.
  5. Avoid piercings and tattoos. Keloids can develop on your earlobes after a piercing so avoid it if you can. There are pressure earrings that can be used to minimise scarring though.
  6. Moisturise the wound. By keeping your wound moisturised, you can minimise the likelihood of keloids. One way to do this is to heat a wet facecloth in the microwave and apply it to the injured skin before using a gentle moisturiser. Just be sure the cloth isn’t too hot.
  7. Stay out of the sun. Avoid sun exposure where you can and always use a high-quality sunscreen or clothing to protect your skin and your wounds.
  8. Apply pressure to the scar. Massaging a keloid can help soften and heal it.
  9. Adopt healthier habits. By eating more nutrient-rich foods and quitting cigarettes, you naturally improve your body’s ability to heal wounds.

If you’ve developed a keloid scar before or you’ve got a family history of it, the chances are high that you will develop one again later in life but by taking the above steps, you can reduce the frequency or the likelihood of them occurring.