Interesting Vasectomy Facts You Should Know About

Choosing whether you should get a vasectomy is a very personal decision. You should not decide on your own, it is always advised to talk to your family and spouse/partner before you decide whether this procedure is the right choice for you. Keep reading this article to learn about vasectomy facts.

Vasectomy is the most effective form of birth control, other than abstinence. There are not that many risks associated with the procedure, but it is normal to question what you can expect. You can check out vasectomy in Enmore for more information, or talk to your doctor about the procedure instead. Here are a couple of facts that you should know beforehand.

Photo by Deon Black on Unsplash

A vasectomy is the second most effective form of birth control.

What is a vasectomy?

A vasectomy is a surgical procedure usually done in the doctor’s office. It can also be done in the hospital or a clinic. During the procedure, the doctor will block off the vas deferens, which are tubes in charge of transferring sperm to the semen.

If sperm can’t leave your body, your semen will become sterile. The procedure is quick, and you will be able to go home on the same day. It is incredibly effective when it comes to preventing pregnancies, with almost 100% effectiveness.

There are two types of vasectomies:

  • Traditional vasectomy – during this procedure, your doctor will use a scalpel to make a tiny incision on each side of the scrotum. Through that incision, they can reach the vas deferens, and cut or block it.
  • No-scalpel vasectomy – as the name suggests, during this procedure your doctor will use a device to make small puncture openings on each side of the scrotum.

The procedure is not long

In the majority of cases, the procedure will take anywhere from 15 to 20 minutes. It is a very quick procedure, and most often it is done in the doctor’s office. Your doctor will use a local anesthetic to numb the scrotum area, and then make the incision on each side. Through that incision or puncture, your doctor can reach and block off the vas deferens.

Because of the numbing, you should not feel much during the procedure. You might feel some discomfort, but there shouldn’t be that much pain. Most men have stated to have gone back to work with minimal to no pain in around three days, but usually, it takes a week to fully heal. It differs from one person to the others.

It takes time before it takes effect

After the vasectomy, there will still be some sperm left in the vas deferens. After that is fully emptied, your semen will become sterile. It takes time before that happens! So after the surgery, you will still be required to use protection.

You can have your semen tested whenever you want at the doctor’s to see whether it is safe to have sex without worrying about pregnancy. Usually, your doctor will ask you to come two months after the procedure to have your semen tested.

It does not affect your sex life

A lot of men are worried about the vasectomy affecting their libido or performance in bed. However, the only thing the vasectomy will do is make your semen sterile. Your sexual drive, performance, ability to get and hold an erection, feeling of ejaculation, and even the amount of semen will not change because of the vasectomy surgery.

It can be reversed

Only those who are 100% sure that they do not want to have kids in the future should go through this surgery. If you are still unsure, you might want to use other forms of birth control. If you change your mind in the future, the vasectomy can be reversed, but that is not always successful.

The reversal is around 85% successful, the surgery is also a lot pricier and longer than the vasectomy itself. During the surgery you will be put under anesthesia, the recovery process is also longer. Your insurance will not cover the surgery cost. You can check out the vasectomy cost in Australia or ask locally instead.

Photo by Camylla Battani on Unsplash

Vasectomies are great for couples and singles who do not want to have kids in the future

Is this the procedure for you?

If you are sure that you do not want to have kids in the future, then this is the right decision to make. But, do not make this decision on your own. It is always advised to talk to your partner and family. Schedule a consultation with your doctor, and have an honest conversation.

Final word

Patients who come for a vasectomy are often asked routine questions, as well as whether they already have kids or whether their spouse knows they are here. You must be 100% sure that this is the right decision for you before you decide to have a vasectomy.