Reasons To Consider Breast Explant Surgery

Many women believe that once they choose breast augmentation surgery, they are permanently stuck with the results. Breast implants are not designed to last for a long time. Thus, eventual removal may be necessary.

Explantation, or removal of breast implants, is a surgical procedure performed for several reasons.

What are the goals of removing breast implants?

When it comes to breast augmentation, longevity is not an issue. According to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, women who have breast implants should get them removed or replaced every 10 to 15 years. If you haven’t experienced any problems, your plastic surgeon may advise against removal.

Because of a change in breast form after breast augmentation, some women want to have their implants removed. Alterations in breast appearance may result from

  • Age
  • Breastfeeding
  • Pregnancy
  • One’s weight

Who should get their breast implants taken out?

Breast explant surgery may be required for medical reasons. Scar tissue formation around implants is the most prevalent reason for implant removal. There’s a name for this stiffening process: capsular contracture. As a result, you may have pain, discomfort, or a change in the appearance of your breasts.

Moreover, you may seek implant removal if you’re experiencing any of the following conditions:

  • Rare cancer that develops in the scar tissue around a breast implant is called breast implant associated anaplastic large cell lymphoma (BIA-ALCL). The risk of developing BIA-ALCLincreases if the implant has a rough surface. For further information on whether or not you have textured implants, consult your plastic surgeon.
  • The accumulation of calcium surrounding the implant
  • Symptoms include fluid seeping out of the implant
  • The implant has moved or shifted.

The process of removing breast implants: what to expect

Under general anesthesia, removing breast implants might take anywhere from one to three hours. You may be allowed to go home the same day as the operation, but this will depend on how well you heal.

Breast implant removal surgery often entails one of three approaches, namely:

  1. The sole procedure performed was the removal of the breast implant.
  2. The breast implant incision site will be used for the subsequent incisions.
  3. Capsular contracture can be treated by removing the hardened capsules to move the healing process forward more quickly.

A Breast Lift and Implant Removal

If your breast skin has been stretched or sagging due to breast implants, your plastic surgeon may also do a breast lift during the same operation. To provide you with more support, they will remove any sagging skin from your breasts and tighten the underlying tissue. A plastic surgeon may also alter the size of your areolas to complement your new breast size.


If your breast implants are made of saline, your plastic surgeon can decide to deflate them in the office using local anesthesia. Depending on the outcome of this procedure, you may require further surgery such as a breast lift or breast implant replacement.


Immediately after having breast implants removed, your breasts may appear flat. It may take the breasts two to three weeks to reach their pre-massage size. Breast lift surgery after implant removal can prevent the dreaded “caving in” effect. Your scars will heal and diminish with time, but you should know that they will never completely disappear.

After removing breast implants, your breasts will no longer appear as they did before the procedure. The breast implant’s weight strains the tissue, which alters the rib cage.