Live Streaming: How to Prepare Yourself For Your First Stream

Live streaming is the best way to show something in real-time without any further editing. In our digitized and modern world this has even become a profession for some. It appeared after blogging became popular, as the first streamers were mostly bloggers or people who wanted to become bloggers. If you want to start streaming, you should follow general instructions to become really successful in this field. With the right technology and some preparation, pretty much anyone can start their own live-stream.

What’s your genre?

Before you can start streaming at all, you should of course figure out what exactly you want to do. Generally, any activity is possible to be streamed: the creation of an art piece, cooking a meal or playing a game. When we talk about live-streaming these days, we mostly mean the streaming of video games or different kinds of online games.

Next to eSports and games like Apex Legends, casino games are a pretty popular category. Streamers should always choose the category that suits their interests best, which also helps make them more authentic. Take the example of casino games: most online casinos offer a wide array of different games, starting at poker, blackjack, and all the way to slot games. Your best bet is to choose the online casinos that offer your favorite games. To find the right platform, you can make an online search to explore the newest online casino sites and try different ones before you start streaming.

There are several things about choosing the right platform: it should be safe and offer all the right games. Furthermore, you should try to decide on a website and games that are interesting for your future audience, once you start live-streaming.

Where to stream?

Once you decide on what to stream, you should think about where you want to publish your streams. Foremost, you’d better look through some streaming platforms to find out where to stream. Streamers have a lot of options nowadays: among the most popular streaming platforms, we can name Twitch and YouTube. Furthermore, there are some other less popular services such as Facebook Live, Periscope, Kuaishou і 17, live Streams on Instagram and TikTok, and so on. All these places are open for everyone to start being a streamer.

Depending on the category of your live stream, different platforms can be a better fit. Try to find out who will be your target audience and which platforms they prefer. For most video gamers, Twitch is still the streaming platform of choice.

Streaming as a hobby

It’s not always necessary to make streaming your main professional activity. It is also a great way to communicate with people while playing your favorite video games. Communication is released through a live chat, so you will always know what people think of you and your stream. Streaming is a great hobby and especially useful for anyone who wants to take their hobby into a digital community. This can not only make for new experiences but in the case of video gamers also help with your personal gameplay – some people in the audience might even have interesting tips for your game.

Streaming as a first step to blogging

Many people aspire to become popular bloggers nowadays. It can be really hard to start a personal blog these days, and streaming can be your first step in the sphere of blogging. To become a well-known streamer, you should think about developing your personal brand as well. Some Twitch streamers have already gained the status of stars, with millions of people following their videos. Blogging and streaming can be connected pretty tightly now, and turn into a symbiotic relationship.

Can anyone become a live streamer?

All in all, everything you need to become a popular gambling streamer is a streaming platform and a hobby that is possible to stream. With the status of technology, pretty much everyone should have the right equipment at home, to create live streams. A laptop and a good internet connection are usually sufficient for basic streams. If you want to start streaming with higher quality, you might want to think about buying better equipment: a good microphone, a high-resolution camera, software for streamingand special light, for example.

To become a successful streamer with a lot of views might need some more work and a lot of dedication. Most of the most-watched streamers of Twitch started out with close-to-no views in the beginning. The most important thing is that you enjoy what you are doing. And the better your preparation for your first live stream, the more confident you can start out.