9 Things To Do For A Successful Marriage Proposal

Image by Adina Voicu from Pixabay

A successful proposal allows you time to plan ahead, giving you months to properly set everything up. When the moment arrives for your big reveal, the only thing that should go wrong is a positive answer from your partner. To ensure all goes smoothly before popping the question, here are 9 things to do for a successful marriage proposal.

1. The right ring is important.

This is the most important part of any successful proposal. You can pick out all the flowers and chocolates you want, but if she says no to the ring, it’s over. Take a look at the ring your partner would like and ask her friends, family, or even a jeweler what they think is the best choice. If you live close by, engagement rings in Northern Virginia are sure to blow your mind, so see what works best for you. This way, you cannot go wrong with either option.

2. Write down the speech beforehand and get on one knee.

If you have never proposed before or don’t know where to start, try writing out an exact script of what to say and do, as well as when and where (to avoid any surprise photos along with those nosey paparazzi). Then practice saying it aloud in front of the mirror every night for weeks before popping the question. You can also find more tips online. Don’t just get down on your knee once and sit there. Have a little spiel prepared, so you can build suspense and show her how serious you are before asking the big question: Will she marry me? A good idea is to mention what made you fall in love with her, or some of the reasons why she makes such an awesome couple together.

3. The location and the timing matter.

You want to choose a place that is easily accessible and not too crowded. You don’t want the proposal to be interrupted by even one person, let alone a couple of hundreds. Pick local places like your house if you’ve been together for a while, or perhaps somewhere special like where the two of you first met. If it’s somewhere outside, try to avoid any public transportation or prying eyes around, such as busy streets or restaurants full of people. Don’t choose a time when she is busy. You don’t want her to take the call and miss out on what you’re about to do, because it could result in disaster. Instead, set up an afternoon or evening where she has nothing planned. If she’s surprised by the proposal, it will be all the more romantic. If she knows anything, try not to tell her, so everything goes smoothly when you both arrive at your selected location. Always take notes and remember what she likes.

4. Have a backup proposal plan and make it about her.

If she is the type of person who likes to surprise others, you need some kind of plan B in case something goes wrong, and she figures out what’s going on early. Maybe you could pick up a dinner reservation or suggest an evening together at her favorite restaurant as your follow-up evening activity instead of popping the question after dinner.

This will not only make it more personal for both parties involved but also prevent any embarrassing mistakes that might occur by speaking on behalf of someone else or saying something that doesn’t apply to her. Instead, refer to the trip or place as “our” vacation that you are planning together, not just yours alone. This will help to set the mood and make her feel special.

5. Make sure you’re comfortable with it.

You don’t want to find yourself in a position where you want to ask her, but feel as though you can’t because of the commitment or responsibility that comes with marriage. You should be 100% sure she is the one for you before going any further, so everything goes smoothly from start to finish. This way, no matter what happens, at least you will know she feels exactly the same way about you.

6. Call friends and family to stay close by.

Having friends and family nearby will make the moment even more memorable, especially if they are around to share in your joy. If you tell them to get their cameras ready or suggest that they stay nearby, there is no doubt that you won’t miss out on capturing this once-in-a-lifetime event for both of you.

7. Ask the question.

“Will you marry me?” There is no other way to ask than to have those three words come from your mouth. Make sure you listen closely as soon as she utters those three beautiful words: “Yes, I will.” Now comes the hard part of keeping it together until she says those words. If you can manage not to cry or lose control of your emotions, you’ll know everything has gone smoothly, and it’s time to celebrate!

8. Plan for the future.

With your wife-to-be now by your side, you can begin to plan your future together. Decorate a home or apartment of your own and find jobs or an occupation that is suitable for both of you. Consider starting a family and making this big step moving forward into creating a close-knit bond between one another for years to come.

9. Relax and enjoy your new life together.

Now that you are engaged, it is important to truly appreciate what you have done for both of you by proposing with class, dignity, respect, and creativity. You know not only have someone who loves you just the way you are but also a companion to share life’s adventures with during all seasons of life—good times and bad—and this coming year will be filled with many happy memories created together as husband and wife.

engagement ring

It takes a lot of hard work and dedication to making everything from the proposal itself down to the wedding ceremony turn out just as planned. However, if you prepare early on, there is no doubt that your fiancé will be more than happy with your efforts and won’t have any idea that you were secretly planning all along.