The Most Effective Treatments for Male Infertility


Infertility refers to the inability to reproduce offspring because of a defect in the reproductive system, congenital abnormalities, or hormonal problems.


Infertility is common among both males and females but the pathological backgrounds of both are quite different.


Male infertility is caused due to many reasons including the following.

  1. Ejaculation issues: Men who have problems ejaculation such as retrograde ejaculation or premature ejaculation suffer from infertility, however, if the sperm count is normal and the problem only is with ejaculation sperm retrieval techniques can be used for reproduction.


  1. Varicocele: When the small veins in the genitals get swelled it results in damaging the sperm quality because these veins drain the testicles. It is reversible and can be treated with minor surgery.


  1. Hormonal imbalance: An abnormal hormonal level means an abnormal reproductive life, this problem with the pituitary, adrenal or hypothalamic hormones can result in infertility.


  1. Chromosomal defects: Chromosomal abnormalities can result in an abnormal reproductive system in males which is one reason for infertility.


  1. Undescended testicles: This is the condition when the testicles remain inside the abdominal cavity during development and does not descend to the pelvic cavity and scrotal sac.


  1. Radiation or overheating: Sperms are viable at an optimum temperature, when the heat inside the genitals increases due to any reason it can damage the sperm, similarly radiations and x-rays have a negative mutating effect on the sperm leading to infertility.


  1. Addictions: Smoking, alcohol use, or drug abuse are all associated with infertility because people who are addicted to these substances have a lower number of sperm.


  1. Obesity: Obesity can induce hormonal imbalances in the body and can alter the quality and production rate of sperms.


Does erectile dysfunction cause infertility?

No, erectile dysfunction does not cause infertility. It is a common misconception, however, with erection failure a male still can be fertile because fertility depends on the number of sperms and not the erection. 


Erectile dysfunction also called impotence is the inability of men to achieve a normal erection in response to a stimulus. The sperm count and testosterone production in patients with erectile dysfunction are normal, however.


An effective remedy for erectile dysfunction is kamagra online that helps patients get a normal erection.


Infertility treatments:

Following are some of the common treatment options for men infertility


  1. Treating the underlying cause: The first step in treating any disease or disorder is to manage the underlying cause. Identify what is the reason behind your infertility and stop or eliminate the cause right there. For example, if infections are involved in your infertility then cure the infection to live a normal reproductive life.


  1. Hormonal treatments: Consult your doctor and if you find out that you are suffering from hormonal imbalance then take hormonal therapy for treating infertility.


  1. ART: ART stands for Assisted Reproductive Technology, and it is a procedure in which sperms are taken through various techniques and are used for in vitro or in vivo fertilization.


  1. Surgery: Surgical procedures are used for some patients, like in the case of varicocele or sperm retrieval techniques.


Can treating erectile dysfunction also treats male infertility?

The drugs used for erectile dysfunction such as Stendra Australia may be helpful for infertility problems in men with ED. But if infertility is related to reduced sperm count or other problems then these medications can not work because they are specifically used for erection.


They are perceived to treat infertility because people believe that ED is giving them infertility and treating ED will treat the problem. But this is just a myth and patients with ED are fertile all they need is to have an erection to transfer the sperms for reproduction.