How Dermaplaning Can Rejuvenate Your Skin

Photo by KoolShooters from Pexels

If you are looking forward to rejuvenating your skin, dermaplaning can be your option. This exfoliating treatment involves using a surgical scalpel to eliminate dead cells or peach fuzz to give you a rejuvenated appearance. However, it requires the know-how of a licensed medical aesthetician such as the Sarasota dermaplaning specialists at Re3 Healing Aesthetics and Wellness to perform the procedure and achieve the best results successfully. The treatment can effectively eliminate several skin defects that give you an unpleasant appearance. The following are ways dermaplaning can rejuvenate your skin.

By Brightening Your Skin

During dermaplaning, your provider scrapes off dying, dead, or damaged skin cells from your face. This is something you might never achieve with self-care practices such as washing with soap and water or other products. The poor skin cells are responsible for making your skin appear lifeless and dull. Once they are removed, they pave the way for new and vibrant cells which breathe new life into your skin, giving you a fresh appearance.

It Gets Rid of Unwanted Hair

Human beings fall under the mammal’s category meaning it is inevitable to have vellus hair in your face. Although the thin and light hair remains unnoticeable, that can change over time when they become a concern. They can affect your skin texture and can also give you an unpleasant appearance when they become noticeable. Fortunately, the sharp dermaplaning razor used during your treatment can trim and scrap away this hair as it is moved in a swift scraping motion. It leaves behind hairless and flawless skin.

Eliminates Acne Scars

Although acne develops around puberty, it may have left dark spots and scars on your face. These defects on your face can affect your skin appearance and affect how you feel about yourself. Fortunately, dermaplaning can help reduce their appearance. The treatment can boost collagen production, flooding the face and helping it repair and rebuild anew. It creates new skin without scarring, improving how you feel about yourself.

It Minimizes the Appearance of Fine Lines and Wrinkles

Fine lines and wrinkles are inevitable through the aging process. The good thing about dermaplaning is that it can reverse these signs of the natural aging process. Through deep exfoliation, collagen production is promoted, bringing in a fresh batch of elastin. These elements are responsible for firmer skin, and dermaplaning ensures they are adequately produced. Remember that when your skin is injured, collagen floods the area to speed the healing, and this principle is applied during scraping as applied in dermaplaning.

Gets Rid of Skin Impurities

Impurities on your face can contribute to skin defects such as acne and affect your skin’s glow. And, because dermaplaning is all about exfoliating, the swift motion applied to the razor during the treatment allows scrubbing away of the top layer of your skin that mainly contains impurities. Therefore, the grime, dirt, or any oil buildup is scrubbed away alongside the layer. This leaves your skin looking instantly brighter and smoother, boosting your confidence and raising your self-esteem.

You do not always have to be looking for the newest skincare products you might think are great. Contact Re3 Healing Aesthetics and Wellness today and explore how dermaplaning can rejuvenate your skin.