Could Your Phone Be Affecting Your Skin?

Technology has become such an integral part of our lives in recent years that we could barely imagine a single day without our phone in our pockets ready to browse social media or catch up on the day’s news. 

Our phones have become such a huge part of our lives that many of us have our phones with us 24/7, and are using them for hours a day. But is this healthy for us? 

There are many associated health risks with using mobile phones that we know about, but what about the lesser known impact they might be having on our bodies? 

One example of a health issue you may not be aware of is skin problems. Yes, that’s right. Using your phone for long periods of time can do harm to your skin and can even make you look older. 

But how does it impact us? 

Here are the different ways that the skin can be impacted by your mobile phone. 

Increased breakouts 

One of the biggest issues faced by mobile phone users with their skin is more breakouts. If you already have acne prone skin and you are constantly holding your phone against your face, you are spreading bacteria and increasing the risk of breaking out. Mobile phones contain 7 times more bacteria than toilet seats and if you constantly hold it up to your face you are risking some nasty zits. Instead, try to hold your phone away from the face on speaker phone where possible for better health. 


One of the biggest issues with using mobile phones, watching excessive TV, and working in an office at a computer is the blue light. Blue light is emitted from these screens and can be stronger than UV rays when penetrating the skin. This means that you can be doing more damage staring at your phone than you do when sitting out in the sun. As well as this, you are likely to squint and wrinkle your face more when concentrating at a computer or looking down at your phone and this will mean you develop wrinkles more quickly than others. The best thing to do here is limit the time you use your phone and make sure that you take care of your skin. 

Neck wrinkles

There is nothing worse than gaining those harsh neck wrinkles as you grow older, but if you are constantly using a mobile phone you may already be building these up. Neck wrinkles are caused by excessively looking down for long periods of time, and when playing on your phone you will be doing just that. To reduce saggy skin and wrinkles necks, make sure that you limit the time you use your phone and also consider using some anti-aging moisturisers to keep the electricity in your neck and chin.