10 Ways to Stay Fit When Working at Home

exercise at home with kid

Working from home is great – no boss to look behind your shoulder, no distractions from co-workers, no need to commute to work every day. This might also be a problem because when you commute, you have at least some physical activity, even if you drive. Staying at home removes even this. Less exercise equals worse health. How to deal with this?

Here are ten ideas. Implement just half of them, and you’ll be fit than those who work in offices.

1. Get a standing desk. These are getting popular in the last years, especially after studies discovered the damages long-hour sitting causes to your body. Not everyone likes a standing desk, and some people use it only part of the day. If you can get to work at a standing desk just half of your working hours, this will be sufficient.

2. Walk or bike to the grocery store. Forget the car. If you go shopping up to 3-4 km away, go by walking. For distances up to 9-10 km, cycle. Most people don’t go that far for their daily shopping.

3. Fix things in the house. There’s always something to fix at home, and the time is never enough. But then, if you work at home, you arrange your time. When you get stuck working on a problem or need a 20-minute break, stand up. Instead of logging in the social network, fix something at home, cook, arrange things, and clean. This will get you moving, and at the same time, will get some work done.

4. Keep water/coffee/tea away from you. Make sure that you have to stand up before you can drink your favorite drink instead of keeping it at your desk. Be careful not to dehydrate because of laziness. Ordering from Starbucks delivery is a great idea.

5. Make frequent breaks. This should be clear. Use most breaks for physical activities. Not all. Even taking a quick nap is better for your health and fitness than staying in front of the computer and working all the time.

6. Exercise with kids. Exercise together with your kids or other family members. It’s more motivating and fun to exercise with a group than doing it alone.

7. Grow flowers or other plants. Growing plants will keep you busy at least once per day to wet them. At the same time, they will make you feel better just by watching them.

8. Have a dog. Taking care of a dog is one of the surest ways to stay fit. You have to walk with the dog at least once a few days.

9. Keep fruits around you. When working on the computer, I often feel the need to eat something, especially sweets. Instead of having chocolate or other sweets, keep fruits next to you.

10. Forget “office food.” You’re busy, but you’re now at home. There’s no excuse to avoid cooking. You can cook late in the evening or early in the morning or prepare parts of the food when making your breaks. It’s not that hard. It takes some discipline to stay fit at home, but it’s possible. Please do it.