5 Elderberry Benefits for Your Health

5 Elderberry Benefits for Your Health

The elderberry plant is one of the most venerable and widely used medicinal plants in the world.

People all across the world have taken advantage of elderberry benefits for thousands of years. Native Americans used them to treat infections, the ancient Egyptians used them to soothe burns, and they are still widely used in folk remedies throughout Europe.

With that impressive pedigree, it’s no wonder that their benefits have been reexamined in recent years. What we’ve learned is that they pack more perks than we ever could have thought.

1. They’re Highly Nutritious

Elderberries are a low-calorie food packed with vital nutrients.

One 100 gram serving only contains 73 calories and less than a gram of fat. But at the same time, they contain 60% of your daily vitamin C, seven grams of fiber, and an array of beneficial antioxidants.

2. They May Help Fight the Flu

Research has shown that elderberry extracts may reduce the length and severity of influenza symptoms.

One study, in particular, showed that subjects who used elderberry syrup showed improvement in as little as two-to-four-days. By contrast, the control group took seven-to-eight days to improve. 

Admittedly, further large studies will be required in order to confirm these results, but the initial research shows a strong correlation between using elderberries and shortened bouts of illness.

3. They May Be Good for Your Heart Health

Earlier we mentioned that elderberries are packed with antioxidants. They are likely the reason why research seems to suggest that elderberries may reduce blood pressure, reduce the risk of heart disease, and lower the levels of fat in the blood.

Some of the research is still conflicting, so further research is required. But it’s well documented that diets high in flavonoids, of which elderberries have plenty, are correlated with better overall heart health.

4. They Inhibit the Growth of Harmful Bacteria

In addition to mitigating the symptoms of the flu, there is evidence that elderberries have the ability to suppress bacterial infections as well.

Research shows that elderberries can be used to improve symptoms of sinusitis and bronchitis by suppressing the harmful bacteria that cause them. The Native Americans already knew that using elderberries for infections seemed to cause improvement, and now science can confirm it.

5. There are Plenty of Ways to Use Them

If there is one important caveat to using elderberries, it is that they must be prepared properly. The unprepared bark, leaves, and berries of the plant contain trace amounts of a toxin that can cause poisoning in large enough quantities.

Fortunately, the toxin is removed through the cooking process, and there are plenty of commercial options for consuming them safely. Elderberry gummies, juice, and syrup are all widely available and yield the plant’s benefits without any risk of harm.

Making the Most of Elderberry Benefits

All over the world, our ancestors recognized and made use of elderberry benefits. And with more studies being conducted all of the time, the chances are good that we will discover even more perks. For instance, preliminary research has suggested that elderberries may even have cancer-fighting properties.

And even setting aside their benefits, they just make a delicious addition to jams, pies, and even wine. And to learn all the latest health and beauty tips, always remember to keep up with Style Vanity.