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Eyelid Surgery – Managing Your Recovery Expectations

Eyelid surgery is an effective way to refresh your eye area and while most patients experience a relatively short recovery period, this can vary from patient to patient.

There are a few different factors that can alter your recovery, including your overall health, your tolerance for discomfort and your body’s general recovery response. Your recovery time will also vary depending on whether both the upper and lower eyelids were treated.

If you would like to better prepare for your eyelid surgery recovery period, this article will provide you with some helpful guidelines.

Eyelid Surgery Recovery Milestones

Here is what most patients can expect after their eyelid surgery at the best plastic surgery in Kogarah, Dr Zurek:

First Few Days

During the first two to three days after your surgery, you will experience some nausea and general grogginess. Your eyes will also feel quite tight and tender and you may experience some mild pain, but this can be managed with medication. It’s not uncommon for patients to experienced blurred vision as well as an itching sensation around the incision sites for the first few days. It’s important not to scratch or rub your eyelids though.

1 Week

One week after your eyelid surgery, most of the pain and discomfort will have subsided and your sight will be a lot clearer. It’s highly recommended that you don’t partake in any activities that may dry your eyes out, including watching television for extended periods of time. Your surgeon will also remove any stitches at this stage but if dissolving stitches were used, they should be completely gone by now.

2 Weeks

Most patients can return to work after two weeks and will be able to read and watch TV for extended periods of time. Any strenuous activities should still be avoided though. Minor bruising and swelling are still likely at this stage.

3 Weeks

Most of your bruising and swelling will be gone by now and you should be able to wear makeup and contact lenses. You will also be able to resume any strenuous activities except for contact sports. It’s completely normal for your eyes to still tire easily at this stage.

5 – 6 Weeks

You will now be able to see the final results of your surgery and all swelling and bruising should be gone.

Enhancing Your Eyelid Surgery Recovery Process

Here are a few bonus tips that will help you to have a smoother recovery.

  • Follow your surgeon’s post-operative instructions as closely as you can
  • Try not to miss any of your post-operative appointments
  • Take enough time off of work and get someone to help you around the house for the first week
  • Avoid alcohol, cigarettes and any medications that your surgeon hasn’t approved until you’re fully healed
  • Avoid wearing contact lenses or glasses until your surgeon tells you otherwise
  • A cold compress can be used to reduce any swelling but shouldn’t be applied directly to the skin
  • Get enough rest and sleep with your head elevated

Stay hydrated and eat foods that will nourish your body during its recovery