Look Fresh and Pretty Even Your Pregnant Through These 6 Tips

So you just find out you’re pregnant and everyone else is talking about how you’re beautifully displaying that pregnancy glow! Well, as much as their intentions are good, you are already feeling the pressure of maintaining the look throughout the nine months. But how can you achieve that? Continue reading this post for some of the best 6 simple ways to ensure that:

Eat Right

If you haven’t been strict about what you can have/not have in your place, then now is the time to reconsider. Having a life growing inside you means that your unborn baby directly depends on what you feed. For instance, this article about 25 week of pregnancy talks on various lifestyle changes and encourages mothers-to-be to take foods rich in Omega-3 and lots of green vegetables, which are also good for the skin. Remember what you want to be seen on the outside, should begin from the inside.

Drink Lots Of Water

Even when not pregnant, it’s often said that the secret of healthy and young looking skin is water. So now that you’re heavy, the only thing that changes is your need. You will have to consume more of that to accommodate both of you. Being hydrated enables your body to flush out toxins.


Exercising during pregnancy is not only an excellent way to stay fit but also preparing your body for the tedious delivery process. However, if you haven’t been involved in any active activities before, start with light ones such as Yoga and walks. You should, however, strictly adhere to your doctor’s advice concerning this especially if you’re having some health issues. Regular exercise tones your body thus keeping stretch marks at bay.

pregnancy exercise woman

Sun Protection

Your skin becomes most vulnerable during this period mainly because of the shift of hormones. While there is nothing much you can do about skin breakouts, you can at least protect yourself from the harmful sun rays. There are various pregnancy-friendly creams in stores. But we would advise you to seek professional guidance as some products in the market contain harmful chemical. Broad-brimmed hats will also come in handy. Invest in a few pairs.

Get Sufficient Sleep

While some pregnancy hormones and discomforts might deprive you good sleep especially during the first and third trimesters, try to sleep as much as possible. You can invest in good pillows or even sleep on the couch if that makes you comfortable. This gives your body ample time to repair skin breakouts as well as avoid the formation of dark circles around the eyes.

Stretch mark Products

Most individuals find themselves worrying about the formation of stretch marks at this time. In addition to healthy eating, dehydration, and exercising, investing in quality stretch mark creams will help your skin look spotless. The main areas of focus are the arms, thighs, breasts, and belly.

In Conclusion

Pregnancy can be a challenging time for most mothers-to-be. There are many changes to deal with and this can be overwhelming. But even as you learn to deal with the changes so that you enjoy the journey, remember you have a responsibility of taking care of both yourself and the unborn child. Therefore, be intentional on maintaining a good lifestyle that will give you amazing skin to flaunt and a healthy baby. Remember, you can still look fresh and pretty even as you expect!