Tips for Protecting Your Skin in a Dry Climate

Photo by Sora Shimazaki:

When the weather is dry, it could be either hot or cold, but your skin doesn’t care. It suffers either way. How do you protect your skin from dry weather and the damage that it can do to you?

You follow the tips in this article and put them to good use to safeguard your skin and your health. Here are our top pieces of advice for better skincare in dry weather.

1. Use Moisturizer

You know you have dry skin and you know what dry weather does to it, so the most direct method to help yourself out and protect your skin is to use moisturizer. Now, you want to use a product that is safe for you and that won’t make your skin react in any kind of negative way. You also want to use a moisturizer that is made for your skin type.

Also keep in mind that if you have to keep using moisturizer often, you want to pick one that is gently scented or at least has a scent that you like. Use something that is affordable for you as well, if you are going to be using it in large quantities.

When should you apply moisturizer to your skin in dry weather? Use it as often as necessary- that’s our general advice. However, you should also use it whenever you think you will be spending some tie outside in the dry air.

2. Hydrate Your Body

Don’t just put liquid on the outside by moisturizing your skin. You should also keep your internal self-hydrated. Drink plenty of water when the weather is dry and let your body do its thing.

There are systems in your body that are excellent at sending drinking water right where it is needed. If you have dry, flaky skin, then drink some extra water. Your body will notice that your skin is lacking hydration and will send water there.

This is the simplest, most natural way you can treat and protect dry skin. Drinking water is not an immediate fix, so you still want to apply moisturizer when your skin is really dry or you know you will be going out in the sun and have to deal with a lot of environmental dryness.   

How much water do you need? You need to drink some water whenever you are thirsty, if you want the simplest answer. Your body knows what it needs, most of the time. Just keep water on you, and when you feel your mouth getting dry or you feel thirsty, drink some water. Staying hydrated throughout the day, drinking a little water every so often, will keep your skin in great shape and ensure it stays hydrated.

3. Keep Your Home Skin Friendly

There are a few things you can do in your home that will make your home environment better for your skin. We want to share with you some of the most helpful, but there are plenty more if you are willing to search the internet for ideas.

First of all, you will want to set up a humidifier. Now, don’t get this mixed up with a dehumidifier, which is the opposite and will make your home dryer. No, instead get a humidifier that makes your home have more moisture in it. You can set this up in the room you spend the most time in, like your bedroom, and then keep doors and windows closed to keep moisture trapped in that room.

Secondly, you can ensure your home stays super clean. Get rid of dust, dirt and other irritations that would make your skin itchy. If your skin is already dry, then getting dust or other particles on it can make you watch to scratch it. That will make the situation much worse, as you can imagine. So, hire expert housekeeping services, if that is what it takes to make your home clean and safe for your skin.

Thirdly, you can open windows and let in fresh air, which will often be good for your skin. This helps circulate the air in the home so that it doesn’t become stale and doesn’t build up as many irritants and contaminants. If the weather is very dry, then you probably want to to keep the windows closed, but if outside weather is pleasant, it is good to open windows every so often and let fresh air in.

4. Use Sunscreen Regularly

Do you ever go outside without sunscreen, thinking that the weather will be nice enough that you don’t need it, and then you regret it later? That is no good for your skin, and we want to encourage you to use sunscreen responsibly and often.

It is especially important for people with dry or sensitive skin to use sunscreen whenever they go outside in the bright sunshine. Even mild sunshine can be tough on your skin, and sunscreen will help to protect you.

Just be sure to make sensible decisions about which sunscreen to buy, like purchasing sunscreen that is not filled with toxic chemicals, choosing sunscreen that is protective enough, and picking sunscreen that is okay for your skin type.

5. Go Easy on Exfoliants

You may love your exfoliants and what they do for your skin to get rid of dead skin cells and toxins, but they can be harsh on your skin. Exfoliants do an amazing job of making your skin look vibrant, but they do cause a little damage as they do that. After using exfoliating, your skin will be sensitive, and that is something you want to watch for in dry weather.

Your skin is already taxed by dealing with the environmental conditions, and you don’t want to make that worse by adding damage from exfoliants on top of that. Use exfoliants sparingly and be mindful of the effect they are having on your skin.

We hope the tips we have provided you with here prove useful in safeguarding your skin against the effects of dry weather.