There are many benefits to nose surgery, also known as rhinoplasty. Rhinoplasty procedures are overwhelmingly successful and can help you achieve the nose you’ve always dreamed of.
But before you jump into rhinoplasty, it’s important that you know what to expect. That way, you can go into the nose surgery from the outset prepared. Below, we’re going to go over everything that you need to know about rhinoplasty procedures, including nose surgery before and after.
Keep reading to learn more!
What Should I Do Before Rhinoplasty Surgery?
Research before undergoing this procedure. This will allay your concerns and aid in your comprehension of the entire Rhinoplasty Procedure. Your surgeon will advise you to perform a few things to get ready for the procedure, such as:
Stop Smoking at Least Two Weeks Before the Surgery
Smoking can decrease the body’s ability to heal and can cause complications with the surgical procedure. The habit can also worsen the swelling around the procedure area. This may cause complications by inhibiting proper closure of the nose after the plastic surgery.
It is imperative to stop smoking at least two weeks before the surgery to ensure that the healing process will occur as smoothly as possible.
Avoid Anti-inflammatory Medications Like Ibuprofen
This could cause excessive swelling and can interfere with the healing process. It is important to discontinue any medications like ibuprofen at least a week prior to surgery. Talk to your doctor if you take regular painkillers or anti-inflammatories, as this can significantly affect your rhinoplasty recovery.
Try to get your vitamin and mineral intake in order. Make sure you are getting enough vitamins and minerals, as this helps with the healing process.
Avoid Sun Damage the Two Weeks Before Your Surgery
This includes avoiding direct sunlight when possible, wearing a wide-brimmed hat and sunscreen with SPF 30 or higher when going outside, and keeping direct contact to a minimum.
Tanning beds and sun lamps should be completely avoided in the weeks leading up to the procedure. And one should avoid long exposure to ultraviolet rays, even if these are from artificial sources.
No Eating or Drinking Up to Six Hours Before Surgery
This technically means no food or drink from midnight on for morning procedures or at least six hours before the time of surgery. The goal is to reduce the potential risks of aspirating on stomach contents or regurgitation during surgery or general anesthesia.
What to Do After the Surgery?
It is important to rest for several weeks, take medications as prescribed by your doctor, apply cold compresses to the nose to reduce swelling and keep the head elevated to reduce drainage and bruising. And do not blow your nose for a minimum of 48 hours after surgery. If you are instructed by your doctor, use a saline nasal spray to keep the nostrils lubricated.
It is also essential to keep your incisions clean and dry. Avoid strenuous activities, such as vigorous exercise, bending at the waist, and heavy lifting, to prevent additional pain and swelling.
Nose Surgery Before and After: Knowing What to Do
Nose surgery is a major decision, and patients should be fully aware of what to expect during nose surgery before and after. For those thinking of rhinoplasty, this guide outlines all the important information. Rest assured, with the right doctor and team, you can enjoy a successful and satisfying surgery.
Make an appointment to begin your journey to a more confident you.
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