The Role of an Attorney When Dealing With the Car Insurance Company

The insurance company may present itself as having your best interest at heart when you are approached with an insurance offer. This is not a lie, but you have to understand that the insurance company is also a business institution.


Yes, they are there to help you . But just like every other business, they must have their interest at heart above yours. From the moment you report your car accident or damage to them, every inquiry is geared at minimizing the cost of their input to your case.


This is where your insurance lawyer comes in. The thought of handling everything yourself can be tempting, but your lawyer stepping in will do you more good. It will save you the harm of walking away with very little support from your insurance company.


You must have your lawyer to whom you report such incidents. Even if you don’t, it is never too late to reach out to a Tampa car accident lawyer (or a car accident lawyer in your particular location). This is the first thing you should do immediately after you are faced with the sad experience of a car accident.


Your insurance lawyer is the one with your best interest at heart because they are mostly not paid any salary. What they get is a percentage pay after they win your case. So it is the same as saying that your win is theirs too.


Whatever you say to your car insurance company after an accident can be used in your disfavor moving on. So do not make the mistake of reaching out to your insurance company first, reach out to your attorney!

Reasons Why You Need a Car Accident Lawyer

Apart from the trauma of your experience, a car accident lawyer is in a better position to talk to your insurance company. Consider his exposure and years of experience with this kind of case.


Below are reasons why you should involve a car accident lawyer in dealing with your insurance company:

1. You Are Presently Unfit To

You might have sustained injuries during the accident or even been hospitalized. Such a tragedy will affect your mind and reasoning. All you need to do at this point is rest and recover, while someone else does the hard work for you.


You might feel convinced that you are okay to handle things on your own till the full responsibilities begin to unfold. The weight of all the processes may begin to bear on you negatively.


Do not wait until you have done or said things you cannot take back. Involve a lawyer from the very beginning.

2. They Are Better Informed

Your car accident lawyer has seen enough of these cases to know what to do, and how to go about it. It is his field of expertise, and he has the training that you do not. He knows just what to say to get you the best settlement out of your insurance company.


Your lawyer acts as your counselor and gives you the directive on the right steps to take. It can be greatly relieving to have someone experienced walk through such a difficult process with you.

3. They Will Get You a Better Compensation


It is important to note that a car accident may sometimes involve more than one party. In a case where the accident was caused by someone else and led to physical harm on your part, you have the right to sue.


You need a car accident lawyer to get involved with all of these processes and get you compensation for the physical injury. Involving a lawyer is advantageous to you more than you even know.


Apart from getting you better compensation from the other party if they are at fault, a lawyer is better at negotiating too. They will ease the process of sending your claim to your insurance company.


A car accident lawyer ensures you walk away with a big compensation. One big enough to bring you relief from the tragedy of a car accident.

4. The Need For Backed-up Evidence

No one is going to just believe you. Not the court, and certainly not your insurance company. When you report the incident of your car accident, proof will be demanded of you. Scaling through this phase will need the intervention of an experienced lawyer.


This stage would entail a lot. From pictures of the damaged car and sustained injuries to camera footage and medical reports. Proof might also be needed to ensure that you were not drinking and driving.


This is a tricky process, and you may lose it all if you try to handle it on your own. An automobile accident lawyer knows the best kind of proof to present to prove your liability. He also knows how best to back them up.


5. Legal Representation


Being prepared for whatever you might face. There might be a need to appear in court, and here you will need a lawyer. You can find some dui lawyer phoenix. Do not forget that there is a chance of the other party filing a suit against you. The roles might be reversed and he might be convinced that you are the one at fault.


Whichever way it turns, the process of dealing with a car accident might lead to a court case. Your auto accident lawyer might also decide to file a suit against your car insurance company. This can happen if he is convinced that your insurance company is not giving you fair compensation.

6. They Work at No Cost to You

A car accident lawyer will not charge you for his services or counsel. Their pay is gotten from the emergency payment that they receive only after winning your case. This payment is usually around 33% of your winnings.


Working with a car accident lawyer will save you the stress of thinking about how to pay for their services. If things go sideways and they do not win the case, you are under no obligation whatsoever to pay them.

7. Relief

This cannot be left out of the list because of how vital it is. From the moment of the accident, all you want is for the stress and burden to go away.


The relief an attorney gives you when they take over your case is priceless. You can just calm down and recover with complete confidence. They assure you that your claim is being fought for with your best interest at heart.



You can never get it wrong by having a car accident lawyer deal with your insurance company for you. They are more experienced and trained than you are in this field. An auto accident lawyer will give you a greater chance of compensation from your insurance company.