Find Your Best Smile with Regular Dentist Checks

For many, the thought of going to see their dentist can fill them with horror but in reality, attending regular dental checks can help to ensure your smile is always at its best. Visiting a dentist in Essex every six months or more often if the condition of your teeth needs closer monitoring, allows the dentist to catch any problems at an early stage.

Many problems with your teeth and gums may not be visible to you and may not cause you any pain, particularly when they first occur. Let’s look at some of the most important reasons why regular dentist check-ups are worth it.

Reasons why regular dentist check-ups are important

Visiting your dentist every six months, or more, not only ensures your teeth are in their best condition and you retain a lovely smile, but they are also important to avoid or treat problems sooner rather than later. Your dentist is also able to give you the right advice and answer any questions you have.

Tooth decay

Why wait until you have painful toothache? Tooth decay usually develops over time and if you’ve had a filling in the past, it is generally because of this. By seeing your dentist regularly, not only can they help to prevent the potential of tooth decay, if you are suffering from any type of decay, the right treatment can be started to slow down the decay and stop it getting any worse. In addition, the treatment is less invasive, and it may well mean that you don’t lose any of your natural teeth.

Gum health

Poor gum health can be attributed to a number of dental issues, such as inflamed and sore gums, wobbly teeth and even smelly breath. Part of a dental check-up is to ensure your gums are in good health, too. If you are any of these symptoms, or receding gums, your dentist will recommend you see the hygienist who will do a procedure called ‘scale and polish’. The aim of this is to remove all the tartar, bacteria and plaque that may have hardened on your teeth which, if not got rid of, may lead to gum disease, like periodontitis and gingivitis.

Oral cancers

Nobody likes confronting the ‘Big C’ but oral cancer can be a serious dental problem and could potential lead to issues with swallowing or disfigurement if not identified and treated as soon as possible. Smoking, drinking alcohol excessively and even the HPV virus are considered major causes of oral cancer. Whilst giving up smoking, cutting down or cutting out alcohol and eating more healthily will make a difference, your dentist will be able to detect it early, allowing you to get the right professional treatment as soon as possible.

So, instead of fearing the dentist, fear what could happen if you don’t get regular dental check-ups