
7 Tips On How To Use Decorative Pillows Aesthetic

AHH, choosing and styling decorative pillows seems like such a hassle, but there is a secret to making couch pillows (and bedroom throw pillows) look amazing. Having multiple pillow covers that share the same pattern, color, or dimensions makes the whole design look cohesive. If you go for too many patterns, then no amount of color coordination is going to make your throw pillows look as though they are going together. 

Pick three colors


When you are comfortable mixing patterns, do not worry about matching your fancy throw pillows colors, but this is the safer path for beginners. It is always best to pick three colors that work together well, then work your way up with a palette of pillow colors. If one-color palettes appeal to you more than bright colors and busy patterns; look for an array of pillow textures. If you opt for an array of pillows with varying patterns, the look is still cohesive as long as they share the same colors, at the very least.

One great way is to use pillows in various colors and combine them depending on your room aesthetic. Instead of a simple printed pattern, choose pillows with interwoven colors. Then, when choosing a few of your patterned throw pillows to add to your mix, pick out at least one or two of them that have those exact colors, even if they are a spot in the same hue. Now that you have your solid-colored pillows, a mixed-pattern group with some hints of the colors, it is time to add in your accent pillows. 

Patterns & Texture


When you are ready to begin mixing your decorative pillow patterns and textures, my insider tip is to choose your solid-color pillows first. Find a proper-sized pillow first, and then think about making or buying pillow covers to achieve the desired look. Adding a pillow cover that just right adds that extra dash of style needed to complete the look in your room. Nowadays, pillows come in various shapes, sizes, patterns, colors, and designs, making it easy to decorate your space accordingly. 

Cushions and other decorative pillows are available in various substances, patterns, and colors that provide comfort and enhance the aesthetics of the space. Throw pillows are cheap, small, and ideal for adding a splash of color or a fun pattern. Throw pillows may seem like an afterthought, but they can make the difference in pulling the room together and making it look and feel whole. By choosing colors that are common throughout your room, your pillows will look as though they belong on this couch or on this bed, even though they are all different

Add color 

If your room needs an upgrade, try out upholstered pillows to instantly add color and pattern. With your main furniture already in place, decorative pillows can be layered on top to add color, pattern, or to further your theme. Using the same colors and patterns across both the decorative pillows and modern curtains is an excellent way to maintain consistency. This flexibility is why decorative pillows are one of the easiest ways to switch the look and feel of a room. 

Types and shapes 

If you cannot decide between several pillows, stacking different types and shapes of decorative pillows together is a fabulous approach. If you want to use patterned pillows to spruce up your space, go for cushions with patterns that come in dark green, dark red, and orange colors. If your room is contemporary or has a more natural feel, use odd numbers of pillows, such as three or five. Include smaller, rectangular pillows made of different fabrics but coordinated with the color scheme in the room. 

If there is a lot of pattern in your room, such as a patterned couch, dramaturgical curtains, or bright carpeting, tone your pillow fabric down. Start your pillow collection by choosing colors that complement your couch or compliment it. 

Or, if you are a big fan of colors but do not want to go with brighter shades in your larger pieces like your couch or club chairs, simply go with a solid color pillow that is a really bright shade. If you are not confident about your pillow choices, the following tips can help you mix and match new patterns and/or colors, allowing you to refresh the room with a coordinated look rapidly but without being too matchy-matchy. If you begin mixing and matching your choice of unique decorative pillows following the rule of three, only to discover that four colors work better for you, or you love two significant patterns rather than just one, that is fine. 

Pillow stacking can also be an exciting design element for the bedroom, where you can utilize different sizes and styles of pillows, particularly popular bolster pillows. Some decorative pillows on the floor add an intimate element to the room’s decor and give you an inexpensive way of changing the room’s mood. A colorful pillow in a stripey hue could make your whole room feel fantastic