Is Invisalign Better Than Braces?

invisalign teeth

Many people prefer the look of Invisalign, still, many shoppers opt for braces. Traditional braces and Invisalign are the most popular dental treatments that are used to straighten the teeth cautiously. They are both FDA-approved and have positive outcomes, which makes deciding which is the best for you a challenging process. When you are looking to choose between braces and Invisalign aligners, there are factors you have to consider. Here, we will look at the important perks of both of them. 

How Does Invisalign Work?

Invisalign Is an orthodontic device that aids in correcting the alignment of teeth. They are a brand of clear aligners and are also called invisible braces. They’re custom-built mouthpieces made of medical-grade plastic that provide pressure to the teeth while guiding them into the proper position.

Let’s look at how these aligners differ from traditional metal braces, as well as their benefits and drawbacks.

 The Benefits Of Clear Aligners

  • Appearance

Clear plastic braces are not like metal braces. Invisalign aligners are nearly invisible unless you look for them. They fit into the user’s teeth perfectly. People prefer them to braces because of their modest nature.

  • Comfort

The cuts and discomforts associated with metal braces are avoided with Invisalign aligners.

  • Not In Danger With Hard Food

People that wear braces must take them out before having hard or chewy meals, this isn’t the same for aligners. You do not have to avoid these meals as the irritation levels are low. 

The Draw-backs Of Clear Aligners

  • Not Recommended For Complex Corrections

Transparent aligners are not appropriate for many dental issues. They’re mostly recommended for people who simply need minor tooth straightening.

  • Must Take Them Out To Eat

With Invisalign trays, you can drink water and eat meals, but the plastics are so soft that food can easily damage them. They can also pick up stains and wraps when exposed to hot or cold beverages.

  • Requires More Tooth Brushing

Patients that do not prioritize their dental health should avoid the Invisalign aligner, as it can easily cause bad breath. After meals, the wearers must clean their teeth immediately after thorough brushing. As most people typically snack the entire day, they may need to triple their brushing time when using Invisalign. 

The Benefits Of Braces

Teeth braces have long been the preferred method of teeth straightening due to their numerous advantages; nevertheless, their numerous disadvantages have caused people to investigate other, more comfortable methods. 

Here are the benefits and drawbacks of traditional metal braces.

  • They Work Best For Complex Corrections. 

Braces are a universal treatment method that works from minor to complex cases. When patients adhere to strict use as prescribed, braces are more powerful than clear aligners. 

  • They are not easily removable

Unlike Invisalign aligners, patients cannot take off their braces without the help of their orthodontist. Still, the permanent attachments imply less responsibility. There won’t be a persistent need to take off the braces before you eat or drink liquids. 

  • Drink With Braces On

Braces, unlike Invisalign, do not stain and are quite heat resistant. So, wearers can drink their favorite tea, or coffee, as much as they like without having to worry about possible stains. 

 The Draw-backs Of Braces

  • Discomfort For The Mouth

Metal braces do not provide much comfort to the mouth. They take some getting accustomed to, and they frequently irritate the insides of the mouth.

  • Appearance 

Metal braces are easily noticeable by others, while lingual and ceramic braces are less noticeable, yet they are a lot more visible than clear aligners. People do not want to be recognized for their medical treatments. 

  • Frequent Dental Visits

With aligners, users can make most of their changes and customizations remotely, while braces require regular visits to orthodontists. 

 The Comparison Chart For Braces & Invisalign. 

Length Of TreatmentsA two-year averageBetween 6-24 months
it Works Best ForMinor, Moderate, & Complex issues.Minor and teeth straightening needs. 
RequirementsBrush and Floss 
Avoid Hard and chewy Meals 
Wear between 20-23 hours daily, remove when eating and right after, brush thoroughly. 
Gum Irritation?YesNo

The Bottom Line

Invisalign and clear aligners are comfortable teeth-straightening alternatives that are ideal for adults and children who require more minor to moderate repairs. Wearing an aligner for 20 hours a day is also the greatest solution for persons who lack discipline. Ultimately one isn’t “better” than the other, it is about what works best for your oral state, age and lifestyle. 
Consult a dentist at Bright Edge Dentistry to make an informed decision on what would fit your lifestyle or your child’s best.