Sexism in Higher Education: How to Confront Gender Inequality on Campus?

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The battle of the sexes in higher education has recently become more noticeable. This is not an area where we can hide or sweep under the carpet. Unfortunately, there are some disturbing attitudes and behaviors that are on college campuses today that will take some educating on both sides to correct.

Psychological Premises of Sexism

Gender inequality and sexism are often justified by psychological and physiological differences between the two genders. Even though these differences cannot be denied, they do not cause men and women to function differently. Moreover, a lot of stereotypical judgments about the psychology of men and women were proven to be wrong and should be eliminated.

Raising awareness about such issues is an important part of overcoming gender inequality. Professors and students who are researching these topics and writing gender inequality essays can make use of online resources and papers to track how attitudes to both genders and sexism have changed over the years.

One such attitude that is being challenged more than ever is that men are inherently more violent and dominant in their emotional and mental states than women. There are many studies that show that men are indeed physically and mentally more dominant in relation to women. This is something that needs to be pointed out and talked about. Men have a problem with acknowledging that they are powerful and aggressive, especially when it comes to women. Most of the time, these men feel that women are only fragile and nice.

On the other hand, women are hard-headed and do not allow their men to dominate them emotionally and psychologically. Instead, these women are strong and unbreakable. It is only normal that this dynamic should be reflected in politics, business, and sports.

On another note, both men and women have been psychologically conditioned to think that men are only able to achieve certain tasks through violence. Men have been psychologically programmed to think that all they can achieve in life is by beating women and controlling them. Women on the other hand have been conditioned to believe that all they can achieve is to reproduce and raise children. When these two cultures are combined in one place, it can create an imbalance and thus a very deep problem. This imbalance then becomes a cause of discontentment for everyone involved.

Gender Inequality on Campus

Sexism in higher education becomes much more obvious if you are a woman or a man. The constant pressure from other students to buy into politically correct beliefs makes it difficult for people to come to a true balance between believing different things. Thus, the existence of sexism in higher education becomes a much bigger problem.

In order to eliminate sexism in higher education, the best solution is to eliminate discrimination. There are many ways in which discrimination occurs. There is an assumption that only women need assistance because they are physically weaker than men. Men are made to feel that they are competent in every manner in which they try to excel in the workplace.

The Notion of Glass Ceiling

The belief that only women can be successful in a business or a job is also a form of sexism. There are many different opinions that exist about what constitutes success in both fields. It should be possible for everyone to succeed in either field. Women should have the same rights as men to achieve the highest positions in their workplaces.

Men have the ability to excel at any endeavor when they are given the right training. Sexism in education should not exist because some women cannot seem to grasp complicated concepts. Both men and women can accomplish things when given the proper guidance and instruction. Sexism in education should only exist when there is an assumption that women are incapable of reaching a high level of achievement in the workplace. Otherwise, it would be acceptable for women to compete with men in the same fields without the need for bias.

Encouragement for Women is Required

Many people argue that there is sexism in higher education because some women are overachievers while other women are underachievers. This could be caused by the lack of encouragement that some female students receive from other students. In order for there to be sexism, a system of gender equality must be in place. There must be equal opportunities for men and women in all aspects of society.

Sexism in higher education can also be caused by society. Men are expected to be successful and men are the majority in the workforce. If society views men as dominant and successful, there will be an imbalance between the genders in almost every situation. This may be seen in the way that men are treated in certain industries, in their relationships with their partners, and in their general leadership positions. There might be more men in leadership positions but there are fewer women in these positions. The lack of balance in how men and women are treated can be a source of sexism.


The existence or size of sexism in higher education has become an issue because it can affect a person’s life on a day-to-day basis. Sexism in education is a very real issue because it affects a lot of people. Many young people have been harassed because of their gender. A person who experiences sexism at school has the same chances of experiencing abuse at home or on the street. They might also be less likely to achieve their potential in their chosen profession because of the belief that men are better at things than women.