Make Your Own Neon Sign and Revamp Your Bedroom Decor

Decorating a home is one of the biggest concerns for a homeowner. Your own home has to be impressive the minute anybody enters. Although there’s a lot to count as a decor piece for homes, one of the pieces trending all around is neon signs. The glamorous neon light signs from have the power to add life to your home. Be it for a bedroom, living room, or kitchen, neon signs can be the centerpiece. 


They were popular among businesses as practical marketing tools. Neon signs were used to attract consumers’ eyes to a business. Not anymore. They are now one of the most sought-after decor pieces for homes. There are stores out there that offer custom neon signs. You can make your own neon sign with preferred color choices, sizes, and even quotes. Stores like Neonific have a vast range to choose from. It is easy to bring the neon sign of your imagination to life. 


Custom neon signs are becoming a popular choice among home decor geeks. If you are fond of adding aesthetics to your home, try your hands on neon signs. The ideas to decorate neon signs in houses are not limited. Homeowners passionate about decorating their homes can find numerous ways to install neon LED signs for bedrooms. If you wish to get them for home, consider the theme you want to incorporate. 


Neonific provides an array of neon signs. They have a collection of mild to bold colors in neon signs, suitable for different themes. Consider the colors around the bedroom, the style of every other element, including the color of your bedsheets to add an impressive contrast. If you’re not sure what should be the ideal neon sign for your home, we have got some ideas that we’d love to share. 

Incorporate blue with pink 

Blue is that extrovert that fits everywhere. It is the color that’s found in every home. It keeps the environment light and cold. There’s no other color than the blue that can make you feel breezy. If you have a lot of blue in your bedroom, pair its bright feel with the quietness of pink. You can find pink neon LED signs for bedrooms online. They work well if you choose quotes in Arabic fonts. Whether you have blue walls, a blue color theme, or blue bed sheets in the room, pink neon signs can add to the charm. 

Icon neon signs for minimalism

If you do not like everything too bright, we get it. The icon neon signs at Neonific are minimalistic and add the right amount of color that your room needs. For the rooms with colors like brown and beige, icon neon signs would work right. You can choose custom LED signs for the bedroom based on your choices. You can choose your favorite icons and buy custom icon signs. You can choose either one sign or buy them in pairs.

Quotes for extravaganza decor 

If you plan to add neon signs to express your personality or show it off to the guests, incorporate custom quotes. The custom neon signs for bedrooms offer you to design quotes and shapes of your home. You can either choose quotes you are close to or the quotes that inspire you. They can quickly be delved the way you like. 


Determine the ideas that match your personality and home decor theme. Explore the options available and get them designed with Neonific