When to See a Specialist for Migraines

If you have been battling Rockville migraines and have not obtained relief by visiting your doctor, it is time you considered visiting a specialist. Your specialist will look at your symptoms, establish the cause, and develop a comprehensive plan to treat your pain and improve your daily life. Your doctor can be helpful, but specialists have a deeper understanding of the types and causes of headaches and may have access to more advanced, overall treatments. The team at Doctors First is dedicated to offering comprehensive care to patients suffering from migraines.

Treatment of migraine is dynamic and continuously advancing in some areas of research. New improvements in this field have the capability to improve migraine treatment in Sydney and other parts of the world and require a more personalized cure and lifestyle for this condition.

Why see a specialist?

Most of the time, recommendations from your doctor and home remedies may not adequately relieve your headaches. You may want to look for the best Kennewick dentist who has extra expertise, especially if you:

  •         Have severe headaches that interfere with your school, family life, or job.
  •         Consume ibuprofen, aspirin, acetaminophen, and other over-the-counter medications.
  •         Worry that you swallow too many pain relief tablets.
  •         Had more than 15 headaches within the past month.
  •         Notice that your headache is persistent.

Types of experts

Doctors who can legally refer to themselves as headache specialists have been certified by headache and medicine from the United Council for Neurologic Subspecialties. However, this group is usually small. Several other doctors can have extra training in headache treatment without certification. Some of the specialists include;


A neurologist treats disorders of the nervous system and the brain. You can visit a neurologist at lets.treat.ms if your headaches and migraines are severe, or you are experiencing seizures and confusion. A neurologist is likely to order tests such as;

  •         MRI scan: to be used to obtain images of the blood vessels and the brain.
  •         EEG: to get an electroencephalogram that is used to measure the waves in the brain. A specialist uses this to see if your brain is functioning correctly to identify any disruptions.


The neurosurgeon is an expert on brain disorders, the spinal cord, and nerves. You can consult a neurosurgeon if your headache and migraines do not respond to medical treatment.

Other medical assistants

The team of doctors that have expertise and experience in headaches and migraines is far too small compared to the number of people with severe cases of headaches. To cover this shortage, the National Headache Foundation revived its program that recognizes all types of medical assistants for their abilities in treating this condition. Certification is given after an added qualification through a medical exam to advanced nurse practitioners, physician assistants, clinical psychologists, and dentists.

Do not give up on getting the care you deserve

The right physician can be challenging to find in certain locations. If you have a migraine, you have to be open to traveling for an appointment. With the advancement in technologies such as phone consultations and teleconferencing, the door is now open, and you can finally receive the type of care you deserve. It is time to put a stop to your migraines. To get on the journey to relief from your migraines, call Doctors First at 301-288-5565 or book your appointment online.