Methods to Quit Tobacco Without Using Medications

Millions of people around the world suffer from tobacco addiction, so it is no wonder that we are inundated with products and programs to help smokers kick the habit. It is also not surprising that many are turning to alternative methods for quitting their nicotine abdication without the use of medications. In this article, we’re going to try to guide smokers with the goal of quitting smoking, without the use of medications.

However, the most common recommendations to quit this habit, ideally without using medications, minimizing side effects including anxiety, we found some alternative methods that may interest you, since they can help to minimize the abstinence or the adverse side effects that smokers have when trying to quit the habit.

Among some of these methods we can mention: Nicotine filters, electronic cigarettes, use of oral tobacco sachets, if you decide on this last option, you can buy tobacco-free nicotine pouches online, being a highly recommended option.

Some side effects Smokers may have when quitting smoking

Nicotine remains in the blood for about two hours, so when nicotine levels are below a smoker’s comfort levels, withdrawal symptoms appear. Such symptoms include anxiety, inability to concentrate, irritability, inability to rest, urgent need for a cigarette, decreased pulse, headache, and insomnia.

When you quit smoking, most abstinence symptoms peak between 24 to 48 hours after you quit smoking and gradually decrease in intensity over 2 to 3 weeks, with occasional setbacks. However, other symptoms, such as the urge to smoke, particularly in difficult situations, persist for months or even years. Nicotine dependence and withdrawal syndrome condition the chances of success in smoking cessation attempts.

Recommendations to avoid the desire to smoke

For most tobacco users, the desire or urge to use tobacco or smoke can be very powerful. But you cannot let that desire overcome you, you must avoid it by all the means you have at hand, we know it’s hard, but we got you back! Here are some important tips to achieve it.

1. Try a nicotine replacement therapy

There are good and varied options to choose to follow a nicotine replacement therapy, among others we can name: prescription nicotine in an inhaler or nasal spray, over-the-counter nicotine patches or sachets.

Short-term nicotine replacement therapies, such as gum, lozenges, nasal sprays, or nicotine inhalers, can help you overcome the strong desire of wanting to smoke. In general, these short-acting therapies can be safely used in conjunction with long-acting nicotine patches.

2. Delay desire

If you feel like you’re going to give in to the urge to use tobacco, force yourself to wait 10 more minutes and then do something to distract yourself during that period. Try going to a tobacco-free public zone. These simple tricks may be enough to beat the urge to use tobacco.

3. Chew something!

Keep your mouth busy to deal with the urge to use tobacco, this will actually make your brain focus on another thing! Chew gum, suck on sugar-free hard candy, or eat satisfying raw carrots, celery, nuts, sunflower seeds, or crunchy foods.