Three Ways to Maintain Healthy Hair

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Your hair is one of your most unique and noticeable features. A good hair day can give your entire look a major boost, while a style that’s limp, frizzy or dull can really bring you down. Focusing on your hair’s health is a great way to keep it looking its best while also protecting it for years to come.

Get it Cut on a Regular Basis

When it comes to womens haircuts Northridge CA, less isn’t more. Have your hair trimmed every six to eight weeks to keep it looking healthy and fresh. While frequent haircuts won’t do too much in terms of increasing growth, they will help control split ends and maintain your style. When your hair behaves, you’ll need less heat styling and products to achieve the look you want, protecting your hair from unnecessary damage.

Shampoo and Style According to Your Personal Needs

When it comes to washing, conditioning, and detangling, there is no one-size-fits-all product or routine. Your hair and scalp are truly unique so it may take some time to find out what works best for you. While you should be wary of washing every day, skipping too many days between shampoo sessions can lead to sebum buildup, which comes with its own set of problems. Try different products and schedules until you’ve determined what helps your hair thrive, then stick to it.

Nourish Your Hair From the Inside Out

Using the right hair care products is important but can be an exercise in futility if you’re not also prioritizing your health. To keep your hair truly nourished, eat a healthy, balanced diet and drink plenty of water. Be sure to add some healthy fats and oils that can help improve your hair’s texture and appearance, like omega-3 fatty acids and vitamin D. While supplements can help, try to include natural sources first.

For hair that’s beautiful and strong, give these simple tips a try. You can enjoy more good hair days by focusing on the overall health of your hair.