Why Is It Important to Think about Caries Prevention in Advance?

dental teeth smile

Caries destroys hard tooth tissues. Modern dentistry offers effective methods of caries treating. Nevertheless, caries prevention, including preventative dental care, is the best way to cope with it.

An important role in prevention plays tooth decay diagnostics when the patient regularly visits the dentist.

Causes of Caries

Millions of bacteria inhabit the oral cavity of a person. Many of them are located on the surface of the teeth, and they affect enamel.

Caries occurs when some bacteria, such as streptococci, begin to multiply too actively, releasing harmful substances (organic acid that dissolves enamel). Streptococci are part of the normal microflora of the oral cavity, and they manifest themselves only in the case of a decrease in immunity.

Therefore, you should not fight against microorganisms. It is better to focus on restoring local or general immunity.

What Causes the Growth of Bacteria and Caries?

  • Slim enamel;
  • Increased saliva viscosity – enamel is poorly washed, which means that plaque on teeth quickly accumulates;
  • Bite problems;
  • Improper oral care and sugary or viscous foods;
  • Cracked teeth.

Thus, the general state of health directly affects the state of the oral cavity. What can be done to prevent tooth decay?

Proper Oral Hygiene

Soft plaque (a nutrient medium for microorganisms) should be removed for the prevention and treatment of caries:

  • Brushing 2-3 times a day from 2 minutes;
  • Cleaning gum and tongue periodically;
  • Applying dental floss, which perfectly removes food residues between the teeth, and rinses without ethanol after eating;
  • Choosing the right type of toothbrush and toothpaste. Toothbrush with medium bristles fits almost everyone. Soft bristles are best used in case of gum disease, and hard bristles are for tea and tobacco lovers.

Dental Procedures

Dentists advise using professional teeth brushing two times a year. If it is necessary, the dentist can use the restoration of the normal mineral balance of your enamel.

Besides, it is worth highlighting a nutritious diet with a restriction on the use of sweet foods like chocolate and other carbohydrates. Do not eat or drink too cold or hot drinks and dishes. Use solid foods like carrots and apples in your diet.

Every 6 months, be sure to have an examination with your dentist.

Give your teeth a chance for health!