What Causes Sun-Tan

Sun tanning is the process where the skin gets darkened or an earthy brown color is achieved. If the condition gets worsened it may cause UV radiation skin burns, but if it’s done moderately, it just makes the skin attractive. People nowadays do skin tanning on purpose to enhance their looks. And, it is now gaining much popularity.

What is tanning?

What is tanning is an easy question, but the answers are quite complex. Sun tanning or just tanning is the interaction whereby skin tone is obscured, darkened, or tanned. It is normally an aftereffect of openness to bright (UV) radiation from daylight or fake sources, for example, a tanning light found in indoor tanning beds. Individuals who intentionally tan their skin by openness to the sun take part in an inactive sporting action of sunbathing. A few groups utilize compound items which can deliver a tanning outcome without openness to bright radiation, known as sunless tanning.

Furthermore, tanning holds cultural and social importance as well. Although it is completely healthy, nor completely dangerous, hence people have opposite opinions. Some take it as healthy, while some take it as a risk factor for skin diseases. So, we leave it to you to decide that whether you consider it healthy, or risky.

Why is tan skin attractive?

The answer to the question of “why is tan skin attractive” is simply that it depends on which world we live in. In Asia, fair skin is favored because it was a “sign” of economic wellbeing. On the off chance that your skin was dim, that implied that you are a laborer and have gone through hours outside working in the cultivating fields and sun. Consequently, your skin got dull. Those with lighter skin were related to honorability and abundance. While, in the West, the social standard is the specific inverse. A major part of the US is found latitudinally where the sun is powerless for essentially 50% of the year so if your skin was dim, that implied that you were well-to-do and affluent and could bear to invest energy and cash on get-aways at hotter, more tropical spots on the Earth and this displayed in your skin tone.

Hence, both opinions are totally different, and the western world is more dominant now because of the scientific data that back their opinions. Like, food sources high in Beta-Carotene and different Carotenoids are cancer prevention agents and antioxidants. We as a whole realize that these sources are really sound for the human body. Furthermore, they assist with keeping up with sound and healthy skin with the most natural glow. This usually dims the skin and darkens it but naturally and that healthy skin looks attractive to others. Hence, you will look more appealing to the other gender as well. Culturally if we see, it also implies that you are healthy enough to do the outdoor activities, because when we do outdoor activities, we tan. So, generally, in the west, it is considered a symbol of healthy skin.

How to Get Rid of a Tan on Brown Skin?

Unwanted tanning is a common problem with active people. And, sometimes, we actually wonder that how to get rid of a tan on brown skin that has come uninvited. Here are some of the remedies that actually work.


  • Gently exfoliate with a homemade or store-bought scrub.
  • It can help lighten the tone of your skin by removing dead skill cells on the superficial skin.

Note: Avoid the sun once you exfoliate and be careful. Dead skin cells can help protect against the sun, so once you eliminate them, you’re more susceptible to sunburn, tanning, and skin damage.


  • Aloe is an impeccable sunburn salve and is more than a powerful, anti-inflammatory skin soother.
  • Scientific studies have found that aloe vera may stifle the arrival of melanin and lessen pigmentation.


  • This dazzling yellow zest has customarily been utilized in India as a skin lightener.
  • It may help ensure against sun harm when remembered for a cream.
  • The examination additionally found that turmeric may work on the skin’s hydration and regular defensive oils.

Black Tea:

  • Studies have found that black tea concentrate can ease up a tan on guinea pigs, yet more exploration should be done, to confirm that black tea removes the tan on people.

Skin Lightening Products:

There are now many skin-lightening products that brown people with skin tan consider. Those skin-lightening products should include at least one of the ingredients.

  • vitamin C
  • glycolic acid
  • a retinoid such as retinol, tretinoin, adapalene gel, or tazarotene
  • kojic acid
  • azelaic acid

These active ingredients in the skin lightening products can help lighten and ease an existing tan or dark spots by exfoliating the skin and encouraging new cell growth. Moreover, some can also help slow the production of melanin to help prevent or at least reduce the dark spots.

Note: Use only one product with a single active ingredient at one time so that you can prevent irritation or other possible side effects.

Avoid using lemon juice, bleaching agents, or some foreign skin lightening products without the consultation of your dermatologist.

What causes the skin to tan?

The sun’s beams contain two kinds of bright radiation that arrive at your skin: UVA and UVB. UVB radiation consumes the upper layers of skin (the epidermis), causing burns from the sun. While UVA radiation is the thing that makes individuals tan.

UVA beams enter the lower layers of the epidermis, where they trigger cells called melanocytes (articulated: Mel-an-goodness locales) to create melanin. Melanin is the earthy-colored shade that causes tanning.

Basically, Melanin is the body’s method of shielding skin from damage and burns. Individuals with darker skin are more prone to tan more than lighter-skinned individuals because their melanocytes produce more melanin. However, if an individual doesn’t face skin burns doesn’t imply that the person is insured against skin diseases like cancer and different issues.

How to get rid of a tan?

We have discussed the home remedies to fight skin tan, so you can use any of the above. But take certain precautions, skin bleaching products can cause much more damage to your skin than a suntan would. Hence, you should be aware of what to use and what not to. It’s best to use the home remedies like exfoliation and aloe vera gel topping the list, but other methods are a safe way to go as well.

The people who prefer tanning solutions, creams, or tanning treatments try bleaching their skin. But, that’s not the safe way to do that. Here are some safe ways to answer your question of how to get rid of tan caused by tanning products.

  • Clean up; Take shower or bath:

On the off chance that a self-tan gets dirty or there are lines of shading, a shower, bath, or even a speedy splash with cleanser or soap in the wake of applying the item can help even out the skin tone. Moreover, individuals can utilize a delicate, wet washcloth to shed the skin and eliminate excess items.

  • Baking Soda:

Since self-tanner experts basically “color” the peripheral layers of skin, exfoliation techniques to eliminate these external skin cells are probably the most sure-fire approaches to lessen the presence of a self-tan.

  • Combine baking soda with barely enough water to make a paste is an extremely viable approach to eliminate excess tan development or streaking of the skin.
  • Tenderly clean in a round movement to decrease the presence of streaking without aggravating the skin.

A home remedy, but a safe and ideal one.

  • A delicate nail buffer:

This arrangement may be reasonable for callused and harder spaces of the skin, like the hands and feet. Utilize a nail cradle to delicately buff away any spaces of gathered tanner that cause the hands and feet to seem grimy, dirty, or excessively orange.

  • Self-tanner removers:

Pharmacies offer items to assist with eliminating self-tan. These incorporate cleansers, soaps, lotions, creams, and exfoliating gloves. Individuals can pick among types and brands of self-tan evacuation items on websites and in stores.

Why tanning is Good for you?

Definitely an important question for those who think that tanning is good for the skin. Moreover, the question of “why tanning is good for you” may change the opinion of people who contradict the idea completely. Undoubtedly, sunlight is the foundation of life.

  • Cheers you up:

Sunlight supports serotonin levels, the body’s “happiness chemical,” which is the reason the people who undergo tanning will, in general, feel more joyful and fierier when the sun sparkles.

  • Lessens coronary and heart illness:

An investigation in the British Medical Journal showed that individuals are bound to pass on in the colder time of year than in the late spring from coronary illness because of the absence of nutrient D or UV light.

  • Soothes aches and Pain:

Being out in the sun or tanning can really back off solidness, ease the stiffness, and cause warmth in the body’s muscles.

  • Helps skin conditions:

Have you at any point seen that after you go tanning or are presented to daylight that your skin break out appears to clear up? Sun openness can assist with recuperating skin conditions like skin inflammation, dermatitis, and psoriasis.

  • Lessens the dangers of diseases:

Even though it can build a hazard of skin malignant growth or simply skin cancer, tanning has been demonstrated to altogether diminish the danger of different sorts of tumors because of imperative measures of nutrient D given by the sun.