exercise health

These New Fitness Regimes Will Change The Way You Workout

Many people are under the misconception that you can only lose weight if you visit the gym regularly. This can deter most of us from getting into shape as gym memberships these days tend to be overpriced. However, one can still lose weight without the use of expensive equipment, right from the comfort of their home or workplace. 

When trying to get into shape, start by planning a detailed exercise regime and a healthy diet to match. The food you consume plays a large role in your weight loss journey. The key to achieving your fitness and health goals, however, doesn’t just entail following whatever random regime you can find. It means going through each of your options to find one that can help you better achieve your goals. It’s also best if you can do this before you purchase the necessary portable exercise equipment that can help you exercise anywhere and at any time, so you can stick with your goals and have no excuse not to do it.

How to Plan Your Own Exercise Regime?

Maintaining a good exercise regime begins with good planning. Otherwise, you may only find it difficult to keep up with whatever exercise routine you have in mind, which will eventually cease to be effective and successful.

To help you out, here are some of the best tips you can apply when planning your own exercise regime:

Set Reasonable Goals

When setting up your fitness regime, refrain from setting a rigorous workout program right from the start, in order to reach your desired goals. It is advisable to start off at a reasonable pace and slowly increase the challenges as you progress. Many people set unrealistic goals that are close to impossible, due to this they end up losing confidence during the first few weeks into the regime. 

Assess Your Fitness Level

Not everyone has the same fitness level. It’s, therefore, wrong to compare yourself with the exercise gurus you may find online who seem to have it all together. Give yourself a break and just take it easy. If you’re a beginner, that’s alright; there’s no wrong fitness level to start a routine. You’ve only just got to tailor your first few exercise sessions to ensure that they’re going to be one that’ll be easy for you to keep up with.

For instance, before you start your exercise routine, it’ll be helpful to record the following information:

  • Your pulse or heart rate before and after you do a cardio activity
  • Your body mass index (BMI)
  • The time it takes for you to cover a specific distance

Do Not Burnout

If you push yourself too hard in order to reach your workout goals without giving your body adequate time to rest, you will be highly prone to muscle strain and fatigue. Your goals will be accomplished eventually, it is important to remember to focus on steady progress rather than treat it as a competition.

Track Your Measurements

Make sure you stay accountable when exercising, the routine you do, the duration and the time taken to complete the exercise should be made note of. Writing down your daily fitness routines can be used to track the progress made over time.

Keep a measuring tape along with your workout journal to measure your waist, arms, and ankles. In case you do not have one, a weighing scale can be used to track your weight loss progress. You will also see a boost in confidence as your progress moves forward. 

Make Time

Not having enough time to exercise is the most common excuse to skip your fitness regime. Ensure that you prioritize your time to include your workout schedule, you may have to work around some of your daily activities. 

  • Set an Appointment

Select an appropriate time for your workout and add it to your calendar tasks. This way you can ensure that you complete your exercise as scheduled. Choose a reminder period (10 to 15 minutes before the exercise is scheduled) to prep for the routine ahead.

  • Replace an Activity

All of us can substitute some unnecessary habits for exercise. Spending too much time on your phone, binge-watching TV and other procrastination activities can be replaced with something productive. If you absolutely cannot miss your favorite daily soap, figure out a way to exercise while you watch.

By including your fitness regime with your couch potato activities, you could see results faster than expected. For instance, let’s say, you watch TV only when standing or use only the stairs instead of elevators.

Keep Yourself Motivated

Once you have grown accustomed to your fitness regime, the workouts may seem less strenuous. Increase the workout challenges and try variations of different exercises to stay motivated.

Find an Enjoyable Activity

When planning your own exercise regime, choose a form of exercise that you like. Even something as small as a brisk walk around the block does have its benefits. In case you are one of those people who dread exercise and anything to do with it, try switching it for your favorite sport or another vigorous activity. 

Remember, exercise does not mean that you have to torture yourself, any one of these activities such as swimming, hiking, skateboarding, rowing, cycling, rock climbing or other intramural sports can become your perfect fitness routine.

Create a Calorie Deficit

If you are looking to lose weight, you will need to create a calorie deficit. When you consume lesser calories your body requires, it will start burning the excess fat. Meticulously calculate the number of calories you consume every day. However, do not skip meals because of this, the average calorie intake is 2,000 per day.

When preparing meals, do not overfill your plate. Always serve reasonable meal portions as this will prevent you from consuming more calories. Chew your food well and drink a glass of water with your meal to prevent excess food cravings.

Drink Plenty of Water

Always ensure that you carry an ample amount of water to your workout programs. Your body sweats out salt during your fitness routines, drinking water can replenish your body’s water content and prevent dehydration. 

People who consume sports drinks for intense workouts will need to drink more water after their session to replace what is lost. Less water consumption can lead to a higher chance of muscle tear and exhaustion.

What are the Latest Fitness Regimes on Social Media?

The Fran

The Fran is one of the latest workout regimes currently doing the rounds on social media. It is a series of pullups and thrusters done continuously. This short workout of the day (WOD) consists of 3 rounds:

  • Round 1: 21 reps of each exercise.
  • Round 2: 15 reps of each exercise.
  • Round 3: 9 reps of each exercise.

You are allowed to modify the workout challenge to suit your abilities. Pull-ups can be substituted for jumping pull-ups and the thruster can vary in weight. The ultimate workout time for Fran is 5 minutes. However, this largely depends on the size of the weights in use.

The Seven

The Seven is considered to be an advanced exercise fitness regime. It is also done continuously and repeated in a cycle for 7 rounds. Each round of the Seven will consist of the following.

  • 7 handstand push-ups.
  • 7 pull-ups.
  • 7 burpees.
  • 7 knee-to-elbows.
  • 7 kettlebell swings.
  • 7 thrusters at 135 pounds.
  • 7 deadlifts at 245 pounds.

Many people who implemented the Seven in their fitness routine say that the most challenging part is the handstands. The ones who have completed the Seven have a record time of under 20 minutes while beginners aim for around 30 to 40 minutes. For more information on the latest fitness regimes, check out HealthTrends.

The 300 Workout

This workout was loosely inspired by the movie ‘300’. Targeted for weight trainers, this fitness regime is considered by many to be the ultimate workout. Beginners are advised to avoid the 300 Workout as they might cause severe damage to their bodies. This daunting exercise includes the following.

  • 25 pull-ups.
  • 50 push-ups.
  • 50 deadlifts at 135 pounds.
  • 50 box jumps with a 24-inch box.
  • 50 clean and press at 36 pounds (weight lifting).
  • 50-floor wipers at 135 pounds (core and shoulders).
  • 25 pull-ups again (for a total of 300 reps).

If attempting this fitness regime, remember that you are not allowed to rest between movements. The challenge is the total time taken to complete the high-intensity workout, on which the final score will be based.