Enchanting the Beautiful Ring

septum ring nose piercing jewelry

Septum Ring is a piercing that is done between the nostrils that are between the right and left nostrils. These were precisely seen among warriors or ancient village people. People used this as their belief and culture which is going one since there generations.

These rings are popular for enhancing the beauty of your face and feel you confident and amazing. Nowadays these rings are getting into trend and are adding as a beauty spot on the face. Women, as well as men, are keening seeking for piercing.

These rings are used to flatten the face or nose for changing the features of a person.

Is it Really that Dreadful?

  • Any kind of piercing is not that easy but eventually, all have their level of tolerance.
  • People who not bear the pain and going for it first time cannot have to be patient and relax their mind.
  • Some of us have many concerns before going for it but here this thing fits that it all about fashion.
  • It is less hurtful than a normal nose piercing as it does not go through cartilage.
  • Like every other piercing, it will be a bit strong pinch, sneeze, watery eyes and not more than that.
  • Choosing of a good piercer is a must which they will choose the right spot will painless.

What will the Charging of it?

  • You may expect a minimum token amount which a piercer can charge for its services and rest depends on the quality of the rings.
  • Here the cost of the jewellery can be varying all depending on the quality of metal and the design of the rings.

How this Nose Piercing is done?

  • This piercing is not like from the other piercing are. Yes, there can be a change in the technique.
  • Firstly, the person will clean that area of your nose where the piercing has to be done.
  • With the help of a small clamp to hold that portion of piercing is used.
  • Then they will pass a small needle attached to a tube through your nose before entering the jewellery through the new hole.
  • As soon as the jewellery is secured in the nose the piercing is completed.

What about the Healing of this Piercing?

  • The time of healing this piercing would be around one to three weeks.
  • Usually, it takes six to eight months for healing it completely.
  • Also, one can change the jewellery in the next six weeks but it should be completely got healed.
  • Though one can try to keep it as long as they can.

Importance of these Rings:

  • One may use it to look amazing and sharp in features.
  • You may use it for your passion and love for these rings.
  • The most important thing about this ring is that it is made of high-quality metal.
  • It comes with very amazing designs and looks for a rich class.

How one can Flip these Rings up?

  • If one has the horseshoe-type septum jewellery, then you may hide this ring when you are in the workplace or with your grandparents.
  • When you put your mouth up then one can easily see the nose which is pierced.

In nutshell, mostly all of us love the Septum Rings and want to carry it for long. Nowadays it’s becoming trendy to be pierced with this type of ring. People love is increasing with this ring. And if anyone is thinking then go for it. It will take less pain and much care. So with fewer efforts, you may look stunning in one go. The charges are also in one’s hand and on its budget.

Author Bio: Rehan Sardar is an enthusiastic blogger and marketing manager of technoflavours.com. He maintains a keen interest in progress and development in the marketing and business space.