How to Soothe Aching Feet After Work

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f you have a job that requires you to be on your feet throughout the day, you might come home to discover that your feet are swollen and achy.

Many different factors can contribute to sore feet. Poor-fitting footwear, not enough circulation, poor posture, lack of hydration, and standing on your feet all day are just some of the reasons why you might be having trouble.

Giving your feet some much needed TLC at the end of the day can help relieve some of that pain.

Stretch your muscles

After standing or walking all day, the muscles in your feet, ankles, and legs begin to stiffen up. Tightened muscles are extremely painful, so finding ways to loosen them up can help relieve some of your foot pain.

There are a few different ways you can stretch the muscles in your feet according to Freedom Podiatry and Health. Some prefer different yoga stretches, such as the runner’s stretch or the downward-facing dog. Doing yoga can also help keep other muscles in your body flexible.

Another simple stretch you could do is using your hand to gently stretch your toes upwards. You’ll feel a stretching sensation along the bottom of your foot. This can help relieve some of the tension in your feet.

Soak your feet

Soaking your feet is another great way to relieve some of that tension. It is also a great way to pamper yourself at the end of a long day. There are a few different ways you can soak your feet.

Ice baths might be chilly, but they are a quick way to relieve inflammation and swelling. All you need to do is dump some ice in some cold water and immerse your feet. Within 10-20 minutes, you should start feeling some relief.

Epsom soaks also work well. Epsom salt contains anti-inflammatory properties that can soothe the aches and pains in your feet. Add some Epsom salt to a warm foot bath. You can even add some essential oils for some extra pampering.

foot spa feet skincare

Give your feet a massage

A good massage can help relax the muscles in your feet and get your blood circulating. While visiting a spa might be an extra nice way to treat your feet, you can also do some simple massages at home.

One technique is to use your thumbs to firmly press your thumbs in a circular motion around the bottom of your feet. If you find an extra sore spot, spend some more time massaging that area.

Another technique is to use a rolling foot massager, such as the ones found on Rolling foot massagers are specifically designed to alleviate foot pain by using a deep massage. All you need to do is rub your feet over the massager.

Find the right fit

Finding the right pair of shoes might not provide immediate relief, but it will definitely help prevent aching feet from occurring again in the future. No matter if you’re working a desk job or in a restaurant, finding the right type of shoes is essential.

Many people wear shoes that are a size too small or that don’t have the proper arch support. If your shoes don’t fit properly, they rub against your feet all day and make those sore muscles feel even worse. Arch support is critical, especially if you have a condition like Morton’s Neuroma. Get yourself a high-quality pair of insoles from Protalus in order to relieve the pain. Support and cushion your feet with an orthotic insole. This will make the muscles of your feet work less and be less susceptible to overuse injury.

If you’re not sure where to get started, talk to a sales representative at your local shoe store. They’ll have recommendations based on the type of work you do and can also help you figure out your shoe size.

Visit a podiatrist

If you’ve tried several ways to relieve pain on your own and nothing seems to be working, it could be time to visit a podiatrist. You should also visit a podiatrist if you experience numbness or tingling in your feet.

Podiatrists are medical specialists that diagnose and treat conditions of the foot. If you have an underlying medical condition contributing to your pain, a podiatrist will help you figure out what your next steps are.

Don’t hesitate to reach out to a medical professional if you think the pain in your feet is abnormal. If you have a medical condition such as plantar fasciitis or gout, there may be additional ways to help your pain.

Final thoughts

Occasional aches and pains in our feet are normal—after all, we use them all day long! Using some of the above tips can help you start finding some relief from those swollen feet. And remember—if you’re unable to relieve the symptoms on your own, reach out to a medical professional.