Kitchen Organisation Hacks

kitchen counter decor

A kitchen should be organised so that you can cook easily without having to go through so much clutter and search for things that you misplaced. The best way to make sure that you find everything you need is to have a good setup where you make the most of your kitchen’s size as well as improvised organising ideas. Here are some hacks for a more organised kitchen.

Drawers Designed for Kitchens

Getting a drawer purposely made for the kitchen can take up an equal amount of space but when it is fully made for the kitchen this comes with many slots as well as features for organising your kitchen equipment. You will be able to make much use of the space and get things much easier, especially when you place it near the stove or counter where you would be chopping ingredients.

Make Use of Corners

Although corners don’t seem to be an important part of any room, you can make use of this by placing item holders such as hanging racks for additional storage space. More than one rack may be placed allowing you a lot of space for containers, spices, jars, Best Edc Knives, and more.

Recycled Storage

Instead of throwing away cans and glass jars, use these as storage for utensils or place spices, salt or sugar and maybe even coffee in them separately so you can toss away any trash afterward and just label the jars. You can use tin cans as both a design as well as storage for your utensils so that more space is freed up for your other kitchen essentials.

Common Appliance Storage

You don’t necessarily use every single appliance every day so it’s best to pack it up and put them in a cabinet or on top until the time comes when you actually need it. This will save up a lot of space in the kitchen and will be a nice way to decorate it as well.

Containers Inside Containers

Instead of stacking containers on top of each other such as baskets and Tupperware, place them inside each other and just stack their lids so you save more space. This is a good way to put them all in one small drawer or even on the shelf until needed.

Higher Spaces

The top of shelves or cabinets can be a good place to put your larger bowls and pots to make up room for more kitchen items. You can even place smaller objects in a basket and place the basket on top so that you can easily grab the basket when you need any of its contents.

Cooking Pegboard

A huge way to make space for your other kitchen equipment is to place a pegboard on the wall and hang your frying pans, cooking pots and other large cooking equipment. Not only does this make it very easy to pick up what you need when you are cooking but this is also a nice design for a kitchen.

Magnetic Knife Strips

Knives should be kept out of reach of children but in close reach for those who will use them, applying a magnetic knife strip to a wall can help you easily sort your global knives and hold them out of the reach of children.

Sink Storage

Place a cabinet above the sink so you can put all the necessary dishwashing essentials there and anything else you use along with the sink. This makes it easy for you to stay in one spot while cleaning up after cooking or after a meal.

Using Spice Racks

Spice racks are intended for spices most of the time but this can be hung and placed in other locations such as the back of a cabinet door or the side of a shelf. This makes it easier for you to sort a wide arrangement of multiple spices so you don’t have to pull everything out at once and read it when cooking.

Sliding or Rolling Pantry

It can be tired of going back in to pick up what you need and get the ingredients one by one. Consider making a sliding or rolling pantry which you can pull or move around when you cook and put back once you are finished. Rolling pantries are becoming increasingly popular in smaller homes such as apartments.

Adding Dividers in Cabinets

When you place items in cabinets, they might not take up the most of space so it would be a good idea to put dividers to give you more surfaces to store your items such as cans, jars and other food that won’t need to be put in a refrigerator.

Additional Containers Under Shelves

Shelves usually have a few surfaces where you can place objects, modifying or purchasing a shelf with several surfaces will allow you to have more space to put items such as baskets and containers which may hold other kitchen items.

Add Shelves for Storage

Kitchens usually have a lot of extra space so it would be a good decision to install shelves on the wall to place canned goods, pots, plates or glasses to easily be reached as well as serve as a decorative display. This can make it easy to arrange several canned goods and other objects that will fit the shelves. Not only does organising your kitchen make things easier to find and to get but it also makes the kitchen look a lot better. The more organised the kitchen is, the better you get around and faster you finish what you need to do. By making use of several improvised methods of organising your kitchen you can enjoy what you need to do with no worry or frustration over figuring out where you might have left certain equipment or items.