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Useful Information On Neck Lift Surgery And What The Procedure Entails

If you have sagging, loose skin on your neck area, then you may be interested in a neck lift surgery procedure to offer the solution.

Neck Lift Surgery

You may have heard the term cervicoplasty before that refers to removing excess skin (neck lift surgery) or platysmaplasty, which is tightening the loose neck muscles. Cosmetic surgeons will perform either one or both these procedures to remove excess, sagging skin or tighten the loose neck muscles to restore the appearance of your neck to look firmer, smoother, and better defined. A neck lift procedure is usually done as an outpatient procedure under intravenous sedation or anesthesia. The surgeon makes a small incision behind every ear. Contingent on what you need, a third small incision may be made underneath the chin. Recovery time afterward will depend on the patient, as well as the degree of the surgery. You can expect your neck to have a tight feeling for a couple of weeks, and swelling and bruising are normal. These symptoms will gradually subside with the noticeable bruising typically disappearing after the first week, but the feeling of tightness will remain for several months after the procedure. Your surgeon will offer you with comprehensive instructions for recovery and aftercare following the Sydney cosmetic surgery.

Goals And Considerations Of Neck Lift Surgery

  • Eliminating or reducing a “turkey neck” by removing the sagging, excess skin.
  • Smoothing out the creases and wrinkles through the entire neck area.
  • Enhancing the appearance of vertical neckbands.
  • The results are long-lasting and will age inherently with a patient.
  • The neck lift surgery can be done in a combination of a facelift for a more complete facial rejuvenation.

Combining Facial Procedures With Neck Contouring

As the eyes, face, and neck are working in conjunction to form a person’s facial appearance, it is standard to combine neck and face procedures to fulfill a patient’s goals. In doing so, it helps to ensure refined lines as well as a smooth and naturally balanced look. Below are some of the standard procedures that patients select to be done in conjunction with their neck contouring surgery:


It is not every day that a cosmetic surgeon will perform a facelift without also doing some element of neck contouring. Combing a neck and facelift permits the cosmetic surgeon to address sagging cheeks, jowling, and lax neck tissues all in one procedure.

Chin Augmentation

A qualified, skilled cosmetic surgeon can introduce a custom-fit chin implant while doing a neck liposuction procedure, typically making use of the same incisions, therefore refining the neckline and adding definition to a receding or weak chin.


The key to achieving an attractive face is balancing proportions. Reshaping the nose to create a better fit for a patient’s face while enhancing the jawline can substantially improve a sense of balance in a patient’s facial features.


When you are choosing a cosmetic surgeon to improve the appearance of your neck, you must find one that understands the distinct relationship between the anatomy of the neck and the face and how each one is contributing to a person’s natural appearance.