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An Ultimate Guide to Lose Weight and Tone Your Muscles

Without a proper program, achieving your dream body and shape can be a daunting endeavor. There are numerous workout modules, meal plans, diets and even surgical procedures that promise to aid weight loss and muscle toning. Most have scientific backing and desirable results if you follow through to the end. Exercises like calisthenics also require no gym subscription or special equipment to accomplish. You can easily achieve your fitness goals at home (using your own body weight).

Below is a brief guide on how to lose weight and get toned muscles.

Know your body

There are various factors that can influence your workout performance results, which is why you need to first understand your body and its unique needs. This will also help you determine how different workouts shape your body and what you can do to achieve specific results. You can then decide what maneuvers to include in the workout program, what foods to eat (or avoid), when to rest and how to maximize your performances. According to Total Shape, there are various ways to achieve fitness goals such as weight loss and lean muscles, but only if you know your body. This includes researching your bone structure, digestion, metabolism, genetics and muscle expression. Once you understand your body and what is required, your fitness goals will no longer seem elusive.

Picking the right nutrition

There is the right nutrition for weight loss and toned muscles. As aforementioned, various factors can influence your safety and performance and nutrition is the most fundamental of all. Essentially, you need to pick the right nutrition for your body and workouts. This includes knowing what meal items and supplements to take. Begin by identifying your main goals (weight loss and/or muscle toning). The next step is to get weighed and determine how much weight you want to shed. You should also see a doctor for a full body checkup. This is simply to ensure there are no physical or medical conditions that limit your participation in fitness programs. Ideally, you should eat a healthy balanced diet that promotes fat loss and muscle growth. Avoid habits such as smoking, drinking, and drug abuse.

Choose the right workout routines

Different exercises will help you achieve different results. Pull-ups and dips, for instance, are ideal for bulging biceps and chest muscles. Sit-ups and leg raise on the other hand target your lower abdomen. It is important to choose the right workout routines and create a comprehensive plan that includes your workout hours, maneuvers, reps and recovery as well as sleep. Use variations of the exercises and target different muscle groups each workout day. Take your time to learn the benefits of different exercises, know more about it here, and make sure you maintain perfect form when doing any move.

Furthermore, while workout is necessary, you should also take care of what we call post-workout recovery. Doing regular exercise and workout can increase the burden on your muscles and cause muscle soreness, damage or fatigue problems hence it is recommended to use some workout recovery tools to prevent these things. Using a muscle massager gun like Exogun DreamPro helps increasing the blood circulation in the body and improve the muscles function as well and that’s why it is being used by most of the athletes around the world.

Stick to the program/plan

Once you find a working routine, stick to it. The only way you will achieve any significant weight loss or muscle toning is through consistency and determination. Do not give up halfway. Try to push yourself to give the best performance each time. More importantly, strive to maintain your achieved results. Create a way to track progress and make sure you are setting up new short-term goals that ultimately take you closer to your dream body.

Most weight loss exercises do not require the constant presence of a professional fitness trainer. Push/press-ups pull-ups, dips, planks, sit-ups, crunches, leg raises, squats, jumps, step-ups, burpees, pelvic lifts, and rope skips can all be finished without a gym facility. Each exercise also has numerous variations from the simplest to the hardest. They can be done to maximize your results and speed up weight loss. However, you need to learn how to perform the routine in perfect form and this may require professional insight especially if you are a beginner. A proper weight loss routine should include exercises that target all parts of the body including upper body, arms, abs, back, lower body, thighs, and legs. You should also eat healthily and find ways to motivate your performance.