massage spa relaxing

5 Beauty Massage Techniques to Try At Home

Your hands are arguably one of the most important tools when it comes to personal skin care. If you ever thought of attaining the perfect skin, appearance and relaxing your mind, then you have all the necessary tools to help you get started. Here are the top five beauty massage styles to try at home:

1) Chi Breast Massage

Chi breast massage technique entails the hitting of what one would call the “chi points” on your breasts. Performing this kind of massage involves simple steps that should be done in a logical order. Start by applying the recommended breast serum on your breasts before adding heat. Proceed by placing your hands over your breasts to cover your nipple area. Spread your fingers to reach the “chi points” before applying slight pressure while performing the massage. For this type of massage, consider performing a three-step rotation cycle.

2) Lymph Drainage Massages

Lymph drainage massage is one of the many types of DIY massages worth trying at home. This type of massage works to unblock your lymph nodes and ensure proper flowing of the enlargement hormones. The ease with which this massage style can be done makes it such a worthy option for anybody looking to take full control of his or her appearance. The simple steps entail putting a slight pressure in the direction of your lymph nodes and going outward from your nipple area in all directions. The recommended number of rotations for this type of massage is 10, and it is a sure way of promoting estrogen activity and clearing toxins from your breasts.

3) Fat Transfer Massage

Fat transfer massage is another type of DIY breast massage that can be done in two easy steps. Start by rubbing your hands to create heat and circulation for the much-needed warmth in readiness for the actual massage. Using a heating pad is also a viable option at this point. Then firmly push the fat from your back to the top of your chest, pushing the fat from your stomach to your breasts. It is advisable to repeat the process for up to 5 to 10 minutes two times a day.

4) DIY Facial Massage

Facial massage is ideal for the release of low tension as well as the loosening of the tightness in the scalp. DIY facial massage gives you glowing skin that you have been craving for. One of the best things about this kind of massages is that they are very easy to perform and you only need a good organic oil or oil-based serum. A good facial massage should be performed using warm hands while applying gentle-to-medium pressure. The result will be a smooth texture.

5) Spa-Level Face Massages

Spa-level massages give your face immense benefits after a hard sweat session. However, before performing it, it is necessary to prepare your skin. The secret towards attaining the most benefits of spa-level facial massages daily is to incorporate them into your routine skincare steps. You will be surprised at how this two-minute activity can greatly improve your facial appearance and your general well-being by eliminating wrinkles and relaxing your mind in the long run. Well, don’t waste the chance to get some amazing Spa Gift Vouchers from lovoir beauty,