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Photo by Jannet Serhan

Enhancing Your Office Space with Preserved Floral Arrangements

In today’s fast-paced work environment, creating a pleasant and inviting office space can significantly impact internal office vibes productivity, and employee well-being. One of the best-growing trends in office decor is the use of preserved floral arrangements. These beautiful and low-maintenance decorations bring a touch of nature indoors without the hassle of regular upkeep. This guide explores how preserved floral arrangements, particularly those made with dried flowers, can enhance your office space, offering longevity, elegance, and sustainability.

Benefits of Preserved Floral Arrangements

Longevity: One of the most significant advantages of preserved floral arrangements is their longevity. Unlike fresh flowers, which may only last a week or two, dried flowers can retain their beauty for years. This makes them a cost-effective choice for long-term decor.

Low Maintenance: Preserved floral arrangements require minimal care. There’s no need for watering, pruning, or worrying about sunlight. This makes them perfect for busy office environments where time and resources for plant care might be limited.

Allergy-Friendly: For employees with pollen allergies, fresh flowers can be a problem. Dried flowers, however, do not produce pollen, making them a safe choice for everyone in the office.

Eco-Friendly: Using dried flowers is an environmentally friendly option. Since they last much longer than fresh flowers, there’s less waste. Additionally, many preserved flowers are treated with natural preservatives, reducing the need for chemical treatments.

Choosing the Right Preserved Flowers for Your Office

Types of Preserved Flowers: There are many types of preserved flowers to choose from, each offering a unique aesthetic. Popular choices include roses, hydrangeas, eucalyptus, and lavender. These flowers are treated to maintain their colour and texture, making them ideal for long-term display.

Colour Selection: When selecting preserved flowers for your office, consider colours that match or complement your existing decor. Neutral tones like white, beige, and soft pink can create a calming atmosphere, while bold colours like red, purple, and blue can add a vibrant touch.

Size and Style: The size and style of your floral arrangements should fit your office space. Small, compact arrangements are perfect for desks and individual workstations, while larger, more elaborate pieces can make a statement in reception areas or conference rooms.

Placement Ideas for Preserved Floral Arrangements

Desks and Workstations: Enhance personal workspaces with small, elegant arrangements. A simple vase of dried lavender or a compact bouquet of roses can brighten up a desk without taking up too much space.

Reception Areas: Create a welcoming atmosphere for visitors with eye-catching arrangements in the reception area. A large bouquet of mixed dried flowers in a stylish vase can make a great first impression.

Conference Rooms: Add a touch of sophistication to your conference rooms with elegant centrepieces. Consider a minimalist arrangement of dried eucalyptus and hydrangeas for a clean, professional look.

Common Areas: Beautify communal spaces like break rooms and lounges with larger displays of dried flowers. These areas benefit from the calming presence of nature-inspired decor, helping employees relax and unwind.

Incorporating Preserved Flowers into Office Decor

Minimalist Design: For a modern, minimalist office, choose simple, clean arrangements. A few stems of dried flowers in a sleek glass vase can add a touch of elegance without overwhelming the space.

Rustic Charm: If your office has a more rustic or industrial feel, use preserved flowers in wooden or metal containers. Dried wildflowers and grasses can complement this decor style beautifully.

Contemporary Style: Sleek, stylish arrangements in ceramic or metallic vases work well in contemporary office settings. Choose bold, contrasting colours and unique flower varieties to make a statement.

Seasonal Themes: Rotate your preserved floral arrangements to reflect the seasons or upcoming holidays. For example, use autumnal colours and dried leaves in the fall, and pastel hues and delicate blooms in the spring.

Caring for Preserved Floral Arrangements

Avoiding Direct Sunlight: While dried flowers are more resilient than fresh ones, direct sunlight can cause their colours to fade over time. Place arrangements away from windows and direct light sources.

Dusting: To maintain the appearance of your preserved flowers, dust them regularly with a soft brush or a hairdryer on a cool setting. This helps keep them looking fresh and vibrant.

Humidity Control: High humidity can damage preserved flowers, causing them to become limp or mouldy. Keep arrangements in a dry environment, and consider using a dehumidifier if necessary.

DIY Preserved Floral Arrangements for Your Office

Materials Needed: Creating your own preserved flower arrangement can be a fun and rewarding project. You’ll need preserved flowers, a vase or container, floral foam, scissors, and any decorative accents you want to include.

Step-by-Step Guide: Start by cutting the floral foam to fit your vase. Arrange the largest flowers first, securing them in the foam. Fill in gaps with smaller flowers and greenery. Adjust until you achieve the desired look.

Tips for Personalization: Add personal touches to your arrangements to make them unique. Consider using flowers that have special meanings of colors that represent your company’s brand. You can also incorporate items like ribbons, stones, or shells for added interest.

Purchasing Preserved Floral Arrangements

Where to Buy: There are many retailers and online stores that offer high-quality preserved floral arrangements. Look for reputable suppliers who use natural preservation methods to ensure the best quality.

What to Look For: When purchasing preserved flowers, check for vibrant colours and intact petals. Avoid arrangements with brittle stems or faded blooms. Quality preserved flowers should look and feel almost like fresh flowers.

Budget Considerations: While preserved floral arrangements can be more expensive upfront than fresh flowers, their longevity makes them a cost-effective choice in the long run. Look for arrangements within your budget that still offer the desired aesthetic and quality.


Incorporating preserved floral arrangements into your office decor offers numerous benefits, from enhancing aesthetics to providing low-maintenance beauty. Whether you prefer minimalist designs or bold, contemporary styles, there’s a preserved flower arrangement that will suit your office perfectly. Dried flowers are a sustainable and allergy-friendly option, making them ideal for creating a pleasant and inviting workspace.

For those in Sydney looking to add preserved floral arrangements to their office, Flowers for Everyone offers a wide selection of beautiful dried flowers. Their expert florists can help you choose the perfect pieces to enhance your office environment, providing convenient flowers delivery in Sydney. Embrace the timeless elegance of preserved flowers and transform your office space into a more inspiring and welcoming place to work.