How to incorporate Vitamin C in AM & PM Regime

End your quest for glowing skin with vitamin C. It is a powerful antioxidant crucial for healthy, younger-looking, and glowing skin. Vitamin C works wonders on the skin, addressing many concerns, from dull skin to ageing skin problems. Vitamin C serum is the elixir your skin wants to stay healthy and glowing.

Using vitamin C in the right way can work wonders on your skin. Often, people ask if vitamin C should be used in the morning or night skincare routine. The answer is yes for both cases. Vitamin C sunscreen in your morning and Vitamin C serum evening skincare routines can work wonders for your skin, resulting in bright, protected, and rejuvenated healthy skin.

In this blog, let’s explore ways to reap the benefits of vitamin C on your skin by seamlessly integrating it into your AM and PM skincare routine by simply including some vitamin C-enriched skincare products.

AM Regimen

The morning routine is the time when you wake up from a good sleep and start your day fresh. The citrus smell of vitamin C works as an aromatherapy to kickstart your mornings. Let’s find simple ways to stay fresh all day long with some citrus notes and the power of vitamin C SPF:

1. Cleanse: Start your day by washing your face with a gentle cleanser. Make sure the cleanser is appropriate for your skin type. A vitamin C facewash will remove impurities accumulated overnight and give you a zesty feel to start your day with more energy.
2. Tone: Follow up with a hydrating toner to balance the pH levels of the skin. A toner with aloe vera or tea tree oil works amazingly to protect the skin from environmental damage.
3. Serum:  Lotus vitamin C serum in the morning routine is a must-have. It helps the skin heal, fades away the spots, and forms an additional protective layer against sun rays. Go for a stable concentration of vitamin C, like L-ascorbic acid, which easily penetrates the skin and provides maximum benefits. A few drops of the serum are sufficient to cover the face and neck. Wait for 2-3 minutes until it gets fully absorbed.
4. Moisturize: The next step is to moisturise the skin. Wisely choose the moisturiser that suits your skin type. For oily skin, go for a lightweight, non-comedogenic vitamin C serum that hydrates without clogging pores.
5. Sunscreen: The last and non-negotiable step in your AM skincare routine is a broad-spectrum sunscreen with SPF 30 or higher. Vitamin C sun protection is an added benefit for protecting your skin from harmful UV rays. The combination shields the skin from suntan, premature ageing, and pigmentation.

PM Regimen

Before you call it night, indulge in the luxury of a night skincare routine. The night skincare routine is the perfect time to rejuvenate, nourish, and address specific skin problems, like oily and greasy skin, by applying vitamin C serum for oily skin to stay in flawless and shiny skin.

1. Double Cleanse: With all the dust and pollution collected over the day, double cleansing is the best way to clean the skin without harming it. Start with a cream or gel soft cleanser and follow up with a face wash to ensure your skin is free from impurities.
2. Tone: Balance the pH levels with toner and set the base for the skin to absorb other products. If you have dry or sensitive skin, you can skip toning in the PM skincare routine.
3. Vitamin C Serum: Applying vitamin C serum in the evening supports the skin’s repair and rejuvenation process over the night. The powerhouse antioxidant repairs damaged skin, lightens spots and pigmentation, and lessens the effects of sun damage and other environmental stressors while you sleep tight.
4. Treatment Products: Night-time is the best time for applying treatment products like retinol or niacinamide. Niacinamide, when combined with vitamin C, becomes the power booster for the skin. Apply it after your Lotus vitamin C serum to make the best of both worlds.
5. Moisturise: Apply a moisturising cream at the end to lock in the nourishment. It will hydrate and nourish your skin overnight, waking you up with soft, supple, andbeautiful skin. Your moisturiser should suit your skin type so that your skin does not cry for nourishment or cry out for help to deal with the oil or grease that your not-so-matching moisturiser provides your skin with.

Following your AM/PM skincare routine consistently is the key to beautiful skin. What makes the regimen more effective is the power dose of vitamin C. It works wonders to make your skin flawless, bright, and younger-looking. Including vitamin C SPF in your skincare is an added advantage to achieve healthy, beautiful, and forever young skin for years to come.