Sprouting Seeds Safely

Image by Jenny Shead from Pixabay

Healthy eating is essential for everyone, but it’s easier said than done. It’s normal to get disappointed when seeking nutritious, all-natural foods at your nearest grocery store or finding a restaurant that honors your dietary needs.

Therefore, it is easier and best to consider growing your own veggies and herbs at home. Fresh sprouts are a great place to start, as they are both easy to grow and nutritious. Here’s a complete guide on how to grow sprouting seeds safely in your home.

How to safely sprout seeds

One of the easiest and most common methods to sprout seeds is in a jar. This method doesn’t require a lot of equipment, and you can safely sprout seeds in your own home. Here are key steps to take to ensure every batch you grow is safe to consume.

1.     Choose a location

According to the experienced sprouting experts at Nature Jim’s, sprouts do well in a warm, damp climate, but not in direct sunlight. Place your seeds for sprouting near a window facing north or on a surface away from direct sunlight.

2.     Prepare your equipment

Consider the size of the sprouts you plan to grow when choosing your jar. Choose a container with a wide opening, as it’s typically the most convenient for rinsing, draining and getting out your sprouted seeds. Ensure the jar, seeds and other equipment are thoroughly cleaned and sanitized.

3.     Use bottled or filtered water

Besides seeds, water is the only other ingredient during the sprouting process. Using tap water may introduce potential contaminants into the process, so use filtered or bottled water for soaking and rinsing your sprouts.

4.     Soak your seeds to sprout

Place the seeds in a Mason jar and fill it about three-quarters full with cool water. Cover with a cloth or mesh lid and let the seeds soak for at least eight hours.

5.     Drain your sprouted seeds

Once your soaked seeds have begun to sprout, use a sprouting lid to drain the water, add more water, whirl it around and then drain again. It’s best to keep your sprouted seeds moist, but avoid standing water in your sprouting container as it can become a pool for bacteria growth.

6.     Rinse and drain your sprouts frequently

Legumes and grain seeds are rich in carbohydrates, which can create an ideal spot for bacteria to grow and reproduce. To help prevent bacterial growth, rinse your sprouts with cool water and drain them repeatedly, nurturing your seeds as they grow into sprouts.

Rinse and drain the sprouts two to three days, at least twice daily. However, you may need to rinse as often as every six hours if you plan to eat your sprouts raw.

7.     Store your sprouts in a cool, dry place

Ensure you store your sprouts in a cool, darker area of your kitchen, away from direct sunlight. It isn’t advisable to wash your sprouts just before storing them in your fridge. Instead, wait eight to 12 hours to ensure they have some time to dry. This can help keep them fresh longer.

8.     Enjoy your sprouts within seven days

Don’t let your sprouts sit in the fridge for more than 10 days. A good turnaround time is between five to seven days. Aim to sprout small batches of seeds to ensure only a small amount is stored in the fridge at one time.

How long does it take seeds to sprout?

How long it takes seeds to sprout depends on the variety of seeds you grow and the amount of sunlight in your growing area. For instance, seeds like mung beans and lentils grow the fastest, sprouting in as little as three days. On the other hand, seeds like adzuki, alfalfa and chickpeas require a little more time to grow, sprouting between three to five days.


Growing herbs and veggies from seeds is exciting and rewarding. It’s even more thrilling when you enjoy consuming your own homegrown food throughout the season. Sprouts are an excellent way to begin your gardening journey. They are also a delicious and healthy way to add bulk and flavor to your diet.