How To Transform Your Physique With Body Contouring

Body contouring is a minimally invasive way to help you get the body of your dreams. It helps firm up and shape up unwanted rolls, folds, and bumps on your stomach, buttocks, calves, thighs, and arms.

In the wise words of Olakemi: “You don’t need an excuse to feel good about yourself”. We could not agree more!

Of course, living within an era where multitasking sounds absolutely great on paper, the reality is — there are only so many hours in a day. Between work, studies, chores, motherhood, the list goes on … who actually has the time to work out on the daily?

This does not apply to individuals who make it their life’s mission to climb Mount Everest or on a treadmill in the early hours of the morning. It is more aimed at individuals who strive to achieve their ideal body goals in a rat-race-kind-of-world. 

So the question remains: why NOT opt for a non-surgical treatment that offers minimal downtime and physical results? Let’s discus:

What Is Body Contouring Actually Designed To Do?

It is important to note body contouring is NOT designed to substitute a healthy diet and regular exercise. It is also not designed to help you lose a TON of weight. 

Instead, body contouring is designed to help change the shape of a specific area on your body like:

  • Toning your waistline/thighs by shedding pockets of fat.
  • Tightening up and toning those muscles for a firmer look.
  • Smoothing out the look of cellulite for a sleeker appearance.

It is crucial to remember body contouring IS a non-invasive treatment, meaning it IS a non-surgical procedure that DOES NOT remove any tissue (fat or skin) from the body during treatments like a tummy-tuck surgery (which cuts out excess skin) or liposuction (which uses a narrow vacuum-type device to pull fat out through a small incision) would.

Naturally, it goes without saying, so many people actually expect the SAME drastic results after a body contouring treatment as they would from having fat-reduction SURGERY. 

BUT AGAIN … body contouring is more about sculpting your shape than it is about losing weight or significantly bringing down those kilograms.

How Does Body Contouring Work?

It works in one of two ways:

  1. Some work by freezing fat cells and destroying them.
  2. Others work by using heat to reduce fat in specific areas. 

The Real Question Is: Does It REALLY Work?

According to this recent study that was conducted, some non-invasive body contouring devices in animal and human studies showed statistically significant effects that body contouring has on successfully removing unwanted fat and improving the appearance of cellulite in certain areas of the body.

In fact, the clinical effects showed a result of up to two to four cm circumference reduction as a sign of subcutaneous fat reduction during total treatment sessions!

Of course, as with all studies, some results are positive, some are non-conclusive, and some are negative. Do have a look and read in order to make an informed decision.

How Long Does A Session Last?

A body contouring session can last up to thirty minutes to effectively reduce fat or tone specific areas from the front and the back. 

However, depending on your ultimate body goals, a series of four to six sessions, spaced every three days, are recommended to ensure you get the best results.

How Long Does The Treatment Last?

Body contouring provides long-term results that last anywhere from a few months to a few years! 

But, Is It Painful?

No needles, no incisions, no pain! With this non-surgical procedure — cutting-edge technology is used to sculpt your body with the MINIMUM discomfort. 

These non-invasive machines are designed to tone muscles, reshape your physique, and bid farewell to excess fat cells using methods like freezing, heating, and electrostimulation.

Body Contouring Machines: What You Need To Know

Today, there is a range of non-invasive body contouring options to choose from. These include cryolipolysis, radiofrequency (RF), low-level laser therapy (LLLT), and high-intensity focused ultrasound (HIFU). They’re all designed to help reduce stubborn fat or cellulite without the need for surgery.

However, B-Force is considered to be the ultimate muscle toning treatment and is the latest innovation in body contouring.

And it should come as no surprise, as it is capable of producing seventy-two thousand (72,000) contractions in a single session. Of course, making it the most powerful muscle toning device in the world!

But let it be known, B-Force is not just your average muscle toning treatment; it is the pinnacle of innovation in body contouring. What sets it apart is its versatility. Unlike other devices limited to one type of contraction, B-Force allows for variable contractions. This means tailor treatment programs can be created to suit your exact needs, whether you are looking to bulk up muscle mass or simply refine your muscle tone.

What Should Be Avoided After A Body Contouring Session?

Right after your body contouring treatment, it is crucial to remember: NO alcohol (and go easy on heavy or large meals) is a must.

Yes, hunger cravings might kick in after all that fat metabolism, but do yourself a massive favour by sticking to your usual healthy eating habits to keep things balanced and maintain those fantastic results!

How Soon After Treatment Will Results Be Visible?

During your treatment, the stubborn fat cells are targeted to ensure they break down and are secreted as waste through your lymphatic system.

Body contouring is a gradual process, meaning you should not expect immediate results. IT IS A PROCESS … but, you should start noticing the difference anywhere from one to three months after your treatment. 

And that is incredibly exciting! 

Body Contouring Benefits 

  • No surgery
  • Quick solution
  • Safe technique
  • Minimum downtime
  • One step closer to the body of your dreams

Tie It All Together

Body contouring offers a non-invasive solution to help you contour and sculpt your way to your desired physique.

Especially as it targets those areas of concern such as excess fat, cellulite, and muscle tone to help catapult you toward your ideal body image within no time. However, even though body contouring cannot substitute a healthy lifestyle, it DOES complement efforts towards achieving your body goals.

So to sum it all up: with various body contouring technologies available (including innovative options like B-Force), individuals such as yourself have access to safe and efficient non-surgical and non-invasive body contouring treatments that offer minimal downtime and help to reduce fat and improve the appearance of cellulite.