Dialectical Behavior Therapy: The Secret Sauce To Managing Your Emotions

From childhood through adulthood, we experience an abundance of different emotions. Some emotions are more intense than others, and some are more pleasant than others. What is for certain, however, is that no emotion is permanent; how we feel is always changing through every phase and moment of our lives.

When you find yourself in an emotional rut, it can be a pit that’s difficult to dig yourself out of. So, we must learn how to manage these challenging emotions if we wish to be the strongest, happiest person we can muster.

Learning to manage your emotions with grace can be done through dialectical behavior therapy (DBT). Below are some of its key concepts and goals.

Recognizing Our Emotions

One of the strategies found in dialectical behavior therapy outpatient care programs is learning how to recognize your emotions. This strategy teaches us how to name the emotion we’re currently feeling and decide what caused such emotion. Emotional recognition also involves looking back on other times you also felt a similar emotion and what triggered it in that case.

Seeing Our Emotions More Logically

We often see our negative emotions as inconveniences. On the other hand, we see our positive emotions in quite the opposite way.

DBT, however, focuses on the idea that emotions are not merely black-and-white or good or bad; they’re more complicated than that. Clients are taught that emotions are not only normal, but they can have meaning and provide us with key information about the situation we are in.

For example, it’s taught that anger is an emotion that can protect us from a harmful situation. When we see our emotions in a more logical manner, we come to realize the importance of our emotions and are less judgmental towards ourselves when we feel a certain emotion.

Finding Healthier Ways to Deal with Emotions

Those dealing with intense emotions often resort to unhealthy behaviors like substance use or avoidance. DBT challenges clients to find more positive ways to handle difficult emotions. This includes positive distractions, changing how we word our thoughts, and safe-place visualization.

Staying Focused on the Present Moment

Those with intense emotions often find themselves jumping too far into the future or ruminating on the past. As a DBT client, one will learn how to be more mindful and present. There are different skills a DBT client will be taught to be more present, like focusing on how you’re feeling currently, engaging in breathing exercises, and connecting with your body.

Learning How to Handle Emotions in Interpersonal Relationships

Not only is emotional regulation important for us, but it’s also critical in our interpersonal relationships. DBT guides clients on how to be assertive rather than aggressive in social situations, being an active listener rather than a passive listener, and understanding others’ feelings.


One of the biggest challenges we face in life is learning to handle the negative emotions we encounter. Whether it’s learning to accept failure or trying to wrap your head around someone else’s hurtful actions, remaining emotionally strong is something that we must work hard on. Thankfully, dialectical behavior therapy is an option to strengthen one on an emotional level.