Should my child sit the 11 Plus? Pros and Cons of exams for children

The 11 plus examination is an exam of selective entrance, taken by pupils in the United Kingdom at either the age of 11 or 12 years old. It serves the purpose of establishing reception into grammar schools or other scholastic institutions of selectivity. Nonetheless, the determination to have your child undertake this scientific examination is intricate, as it involves both boons and banes. The aim of this exposition is to delve into the advantages and disadvantages of examinations for minors, with a particular emphasis on the 11 plus exam within the British educational structure.

Pros of the 11 Plus Exam

Academic challenge

The 11 plus exam proffers youngsters with an occasion to confront a demanding scholastic appraisal. It fosters their aptitude for cogent ratiocination, troubleshooting prowess, and an unwavering sense of industry. This may culminate in self-improvement and academic pre-eminence.

Access to high-quality education

One of the foremost upshots of the 11 plus examination is that it offers access to well-regarded grammar schools and highly selective educational establishments. These schools frequently provide a superior quality of education, bespoke instruction, and a learning milieu that is more intellectually stimulating, thereby conferring a plethora of benefits upon children who excel in such surroundings.

Social mobility

The 11 plus exam is perceived as a method to advance social mobility. By granting children from diverse backgrounds a level playing field to secure entry into grammar schools, it intends to reduce the chasm between disparate socio-economic groups. This has the potential to enhance prospects and engender a more heterogeneous student cohort.

Preparation for future exams

The 11 plus exam may serve as a jumping-off point for forthcoming assessments, like GCSEs or A-levels. It aids in children’s acquisition of vital study proficiencies, time management, and test methodologies at a young age, all of which can prove unspeakably valuable in their subsequent scholastic pursuits.

11 Plus Tutor

A proficient 11 Plus tutor is well-versed in equipping scholars for this particular assessment. They possess an intricate comprehension of the format, content, and prerequisites of the exam. They have the ability to offer specific counsel and impart efficient manoeuvres to confront diverse segments of the test, optimising your child’s potential for triumph.

Personalised learning

A skilled tutor possesses the ability to customise their pedagogical strategies based on the unique requirements and learning preferences of your pupil. They possess the aptitude to pinpoint the domains in which your child may face challenges and intensify their efforts in reinforcing those particular proficiencies. This personalised and bespoke guidance can significantly expedite and enhance your child’s progress and efficiency in acquiring knowledge.

Structured preparation

The 11 Plus exam encompasses an extensive assortment of subjects, encompassing English, mathematics, verbal reasoning, and non-verbal reasoning. An adept mentor can furnish a meticulously laid-out curriculum, warranting that your youngster engrosses all the indispensable content and habitually rehearses. By adopting this methodical strategy, it facilitates the establishment of a sturdy groundwork and augmenting self-assurance.

Exam familiarity

The 11 Plus examination may prove to be a formidable task, chiefly for those scholars who have not hitherto encountered this genre of evaluation. By means of conducting faux examinations and administering exercises, a pedagogue can apprise your child of the examination structure, temporal constraints, and interrogatory modalities. This technique serves to alleviate trepidation and enhance efficacy on the date of the authentic examination.


The 11 Plus examination may induce a considerable degree of rivalry, thus causing a sense of being overwhelmed or anxious for several youngsters. The acquisition of a capable tutor, offering constructive feedback, positive reinforcement, and acknowledging their progress, can assuage such concerns and nurture the child’s morale. This augmented confidence can promote better performance and a more optimistic outlook towards the assessment.

Cons of the 11 Plus Exam

Stress and pressure

The 11 plus exam, by Jove, can give children an absolute palaver! The stiff competition and the fear of not cutting the mustard can lead to a proper bother, impacting their mental wellbeing. The weight of doing well may also lead to a heavy-handed emphasis on academic achievement, to the detriment of other facets of their growth and development. Blimey, what a kerfuffle!

Inequality and selection bias

The critics, with great perplexity, contend that the 11 plus examination perpetuates inequality in the British education system. It has been suggested that certain children, who have the means to access extra resources or private tutoring, have an unfair advantage over their peers from less privileged backgrounds. Furthermore, the examination’s preoccupation with academic ability may disregard other inherent skills and talents possessed by the younger generation.

Limited school choice

By selecting the 11 plus examination, parents curtail their pupil’s academic prospects to grammar schools or selective universities. Such a pathway may not conform to the child’s predilections or ambitions, seeing as they could excel in a diverse range of subjects or vocational instruction detailing an alternative educational milieu.

Pressure on parents

The 11 plus exam doth oft place a considerable burden upon parents, who may feel compelled to expend copious amounts of time, exertion, and coin in readying their progeny to excel on the assessment. Such endeavours may engender unparalleled stress within the familial unit and cause a preoccupation with scholastic attainment.

Non-Trivial Tips

Identify weak areas

Take note of your child’s strong and feeble points. Discern regions where they might require supplementary aid or training. Customise their educational regimen to prioritise enhancing these vulnerable areas while also consolidating their aptitudes. Yet, it is crucial not to overly dwell on the frailties, lest the youngster perceives only imperfections. Train your child to appreciate themselves for robust traits as well.

Encourage reading

It is of utmost importance that one indulges in extensive and consistent reading, as it aids in the development of an expansive vocabulary, deepens comprehension skills, and sharpens critical thinking acumen. Encourage your child to immerse themselves in an assortment of literary genres and partake in dialogues concerning the material they have consumed.

Practise verbal and non-verbal reasoning

The 11 Plus examination frequently incorporates both verbal and non-verbal reasoning segments, which evaluate a child’s capacity to unravel queries and cogitate logically. Providing your child with practice provisions that are tailored to these particular domains can facilitate their acclimation to these intricate forms of inquiry.

Balanced lifestyle and emotional support

Although it is imperative to prepare for exams, it is just as imperative to uphold a well-rounded lifestyle. I implore you to prompt your youngling to partake in physical activities, hobbies, and social interactions to enhance their overall welfare and decrease stress.

The aftermaths of exams can cause severe anxiety for children, hence the paramount necessity of emotional support through the preparation period. Advocate for candid communication, proffer comfort, and affirm your child that their worth is not entirely dependent on exam outcomes.

It’s Up to You

Determining whether to enrol your child in the 11 plus examination is an entirely personal affair. Several influences must be considered, such as your child’s abilities, aspirations, and overall health. While the examination provides intellectual hurdles, access to high-quality education, and the opportunity for upward social mobility, it also brings with it strain, inequality, school choice limitations, and parental obligation.

It is vital to weigh your child’s broad growth, enthusiasm, and long-term objectives when deciding. In the end, the objective should be to create an atmosphere that encourages your child’s aptitudes, improves their welfare, and enables their academic and personal accomplishments. This course of action might involve exploring alternative educational paths or adopting a balanced approach that prioritises both academic excellence and holistic advancement.