7 Essential Stress Management Techniques To Prevent Alcoholism Relapse

Going through detox and rehab treatments are vital parts of quitting substance abuse, including alcoholism. But once you’ve “graduated” from your program, staying sober for the rest of your life can be a daily challenge. Unlike drugs, people can come into contact with alcohol easily, and “just saying no” requires strong willpower.

The good news is that when you go through a high-quality, professional program, such as this intensive outpatient treatment in Austin that has significant success stories, you’ll learn techniques to prevent a relapse into alcoholism. Here are seven of the essential stress management techniques suggested by professionals.

1. Recognize and Avoid Your Triggers

While avoidance doesn’t work for everything, it’s the first technique you should use as a recovering alcoholic. Recognizing and avoiding those triggers that make you want to drink can be a life-changing skill.

Some of the most common things we face during our regular days that cause relapses include:

  • Stress
  • Money issues
  • Problems in our relationships
  • Boredom
  • Hanging out with old friends we used to drink with
  • Seeing sights or smelling fragrances that remind us of our drinking days
  • Getting upset/angry

Some of these problems, like money and relationship issues, aren’t always avoidable. Instead, work on finding strategies to overcome your emotions when you are faced with those triggers.

2. Take Care of Yourself Daily

Much of the stress that pushes people into relapse can be prevented with daily self-care routines. This doesn’t mean you’ll need to head out for spa treatments and mani-pedis. Self-care is how you take care of your body and mind on a regular basis.

Getting exercise a few times a week (or every day), eating nutritious meals, and engaging in restful sleep are the essentials of caring for your mental and physical needs. When your brain and body are in balance, it’s much easier to fight the cravings for alcohol.

3. Consider HALT

There are four common reasons you’re feeling the need to drink again. You’re likely hungry, angry, lonely, or tired, giving us the HALT technique. Before you grab that alcoholic beverage, ask yourself if you are Hungry, Angry, Lonely, or Tired. If so, fix that problem instead of drinking.

4. Practice Mindfulness

Part of the rehab program treatment includes learning how to control your mind through meditation practices. Mindfulness teaches you to become aware of your thoughts and emotions. When you’re self-aware, you can recognize and overcome triggers that would otherwise tempt you to relapse. The process includes being aware of your craving, accepting it without judgment, and focusing on each moment until the feeling passes.

5. Use Support Groups

Does it seem like there’s a support group for everything nowadays? Well, the reason that’s so accurate is because these groups are beneficial. Through substance recovery groups like Alcoholics Anonymous, you receive support from your peers who understand what you’re going through and hold you accountable for your choices. You’ll also get the skills and education you need to go through life successfully sober.

6. Change Your Breathing

Deep breathing helps women get through the pain of labor, and the technique can work for you as you overcome stressful situations, too. When you breathe deeply, you can regulate the chemicals in your brain and release feel-good chemicals that help you relax and increase happiness. Find a deep breathing technique you are comfortable with and use it any time you feel stressed or out of control.

7. Reach Out

It’s not always possible to overcome an urge alone. Plan ahead for these times of struggle and have an emergency list of people whom you can call or visit to help you get through the craving. These shouldn’t be individuals who cause you stress or don’t understand your challenges. They may be healthy recovering alcoholics from your support group or a friend or family member you trust to soothe your stresses.