Kitchen Feng Shui: How to Keep Bad Energy Out

Do you want to create a kitchen that promotes positive energy and encourages good health? If so, applying the ancient Chinese art of feng shui is one way to achieve this. With feng shui principles, you can create harmony in your kitchen by choosing colours that enhance the vibes, using the elements, arranging appliances according to principles, avoiding negative energy, and adding final touches. This blog post will help you understand how to use feng shui to create a balanced and harmonious kitchen. Read on to find out how!

Understanding the Principles Of Feng Shui

Feng shui is an ancient Chinese practice used for centuries to create harmony between people and their environment. It is based on the belief that the universe is made up of five elements: wood, fire, Earth, metal, and water. Feng shui uses these elements to promote positive and discourage negative energy.

The basic rules of feng shui involve arranging furniture and objects to encourage balance and flow throughout the home or office. Special attention should be given to colours, shapes, and materials used when decorating, as these all affect how energy flows through a space. Additionally, it’s important to avoid clutter, as too much stuff can disrupt the energy flow.

Good feng shui can bring peace, prosperity, and good health to those who practice it. Your kitchen is no exception! When it comes to creating balance in your kitchen using feng shui principles, there are many factors you should consider, such as choosing colours that promote positive vibes; selecting appliances according to their purpose; making sure there’s adequate lighting; using the five elements effectively; avoiding bad energy by clearing clutter; and adding final touches like plants or artwork for added beauty.

Choosing Colours That Enhance Your Kitchen’s Vibes

Colours play a significant role in creating the perfect feng shui kitchen. The five elements of feng shui are wood, fire, Earth, metal and water, and they can create a balanced and harmonious atmosphere. It’s intriguing how the colours you choose and paint your kitchen in can invoke peace and calm, such as pastels or warm earth tones.

When it comes to light colours, pastel shades are often recommended for kitchens as they can create a sense of peace and calm. These colours should be combined with subtle touches of brighter shades like yellow or orange to create a balanced look that is still inviting and cheerful. Earth tones like browns, tans and greens should also be used sparingly throughout the kitchen to bring warmth and balance to the room.

Darker colours should also be incorporated into the kitchen design to provide contrast. Bold shades such as deep reds or navy blues can add emphasis while helping to ground the space. However, staying moderate with dark colours is essential, as too much can make the room feel oppressive or heavy.

Loud or bright colours like neon or fluorescent should also be avoided in favour of more subtle hues that will help foster an atmosphere of peace and tranquillity within your kitchen space. 

Natural lighting is another crucial factor when choosing colour schemes for your kitchen. It helps create a soothing ambience while allowing you to appreciate all aspects of your design decisions.

How to Use the Five Elements In Your Kitchen

Using the five elements of feng shui – wood, fire, Earth, metal, and water – to create a balanced and harmonious kitchen is an integral part of this ancient Chinese practice. Each element should be considered when designing the kitchen to achieve the desired balance.

When using natural elements such as plants, stones, or water to bring harmony into your kitchen space, certain colours are associated with each element that can be used for this purpose.

Wood is traditionally associated with greens and browns, while fire is associated with reds and oranges. Yellow and other earthy colours represent Earth, while metal brings white and silver hues. Water is often connected with blues and purples. It’s important to note that these colours should be combined to create a balanced atmosphere – too much of one colour can throw off the room’s energy.

In addition to colour selection, understanding which directions are associated with each element can also help you create a harmonious environment in your kitchen.

Wood is typically linked with east-facing areas, while fire corresponds with south-facing spaces. Earth connects to southeast corners while metal links up north-facing parts of the room. Finally, water has its place in northwest corners or other areas where moisture can gather naturally (such as near a sink). Knowing this information helps you decide where items should go within your kitchen space for maximum effect on energy flow throughout the room.

There are many practices for using the five elements throughout your kitchen design as well: 

  • Avoid clutter at all costs.
  • Use soft lighting instead of harsh overhead lighting.
  • Choose furniture made from natural materials like wood.
  • Consider adding a small waterfall or fountain.
  • Hang artwork depicting nature scenes.
  • Add potted plants strategically throughout your kitchen.
  • Use open shelving rather than closed cabinets.
  • Incorporate wooden accents like cutting boards or bowls wherever possible.
  • Hang mirrors near windows for more light reflection.
  • Opt for granite countertops over marble ones (granite being better connected to Earth).
  • Include natural textures like bamboo mats or rattan baskets wherever possible.
  • Place items like teapots on stove burners (fire) or salt on counters (Earth).

By following these tips on correctly using the five elements of feng shui throughout your kitchen design, you can achieve balance and promote positive energy within your space – something we could all benefit from now!

Arranging Your Kitchen Appliances According To Feng Shui Principles

When arranging kitchen appliances according to feng shui principles, the most essential element is bagua. Bagua is an ancient Chinese system that divides a space into nine sections, each associated with a different aspect of life. 

By placing large appliances such as refrigerators in the corresponding sectors of the kitchen, one can create a harmonious balance in the space. Additionally, these appliances should be kept from the stove and sink area to avoid hindering positive energy flow.

Consider installing a range hood or stove fan above their cooktop. It will help reduce moisture and odours while promoting good air circulation throughout the kitchen. Range hoods are available in many different styles and sizes, so it is essential to get one that fits well with the overall design of your kitchen. 

Make it a habit to perform regular oven cleaning. This not only ensures that it functions efficiently but also helps to maintain a clean and clutter-free kitchen environment, which is corresponding with feng shui principles.

Smaller appliances like microwaves and toaster ovens can be placed anywhere within easy reach, but they should not obstruct countertops or impede movement through other parts of the kitchen. If possible, keep them near their corresponding larger counterpart – for example, the microwave near the refrigerator – for aesthetic balance.

Finally, balancing Yin and Yang energies is essential when arranging your kitchen appliances according to feng shui principles. Yin represents stillness and darkness, while Yang represents activity and light. Therefore, ensure your arrangement reflects both elements equally so your kitchen space promotes healthy energy flow. You can do this by contrasting warm colours with cool tones and incorporating natural materials such as wood furniture or stone countertops into your design scheme.

What Not To Put In Or Near The Kitchen By Feng Shui

When designing a kitchen with feng shui principles, knowing what not to put in or near the kitchen is essential. This helps create an environment that promotes positive energy and encourages good health. Here is what not to put in or near the kitchen according to feng shui principles:

  • Mirrors – Mirrors should never be placed in the kitchen as they will bring bad luck and negative energy. They are believed to reverse the flow of chi energy, causing harm rather than promoting balance and harmony.
  • Sharp objects – Sharp objects such as knives and scissors should also be kept away from the main workspace as they are believed to attract bad luck and cause arguments between family members. If sharp objects must be kept in the kitchen, ensure they are placed out of sight when not used.
  • Electronic devices – Electronic devices such as computers, TVs, and phones should not be placed in or near the kitchen as they can emit electromagnetic fields which disrupt the positive energy flow.
  • Stove placements – Placing items on a stove can disrupt its natural energy flow. Items like potted plants, decorative figurines, books, or electronics should be avoided when placing items around a stove, as this will block its power from radiating through your home.
  • Pictures of people – Pictures of people should also be avoided as these can cause issues such as disharmony among family members and create negative energies within your home. Instead, opt for pictures that feature nature scenes, such as landscapes or waterfalls, to promote positivity within your space.

Cleaning Your Kitchen According To Feng Shui

Cleaning your kitchen according to feng shui is vital in creating a balanced and harmonious space. The best way to achieve this is to clear away any clutter or debris blocking the positive energy flow. Once this is done, you can begin using natural, non-toxic cleaning products to clean all surfaces in the kitchen.

Next, it’s essential to pay attention to the position of the kitchen sink. The area around it should have good drainage so that water does not remain standing and stagnate. Keeping windows and curtains clean also helps to let in natural light and energy. Not to mention that doing this is part of basic home cleaning.

Finally, organising food items in labelled containers or cupboards can help create a sense of order in the kitchen, promoting positive energy flow. 

Final Touches To Get The Perfect Feng Shui Kitchen

Creating the perfect feng shui kitchen combines various elements, from appliance arrangement to colour selection. Some final touches can be added to make a kitchen more inviting and promote positive energy.

Plants are an excellent addition to any space; their natural beauty helps purify the air in your home while their green and yellow colours attract wealth and luck, joy and happiness, respectively. 

Wind chimes are also beneficial. When hung near doors or windows, they help ward off bad chi while bringing positive vibes from outside sources. Five metal tubes are said to be the number that represents balance in feng shui principles, so look for them when selecting wind chimes.

When decorating with artwork or wall hangings, you must be mindful of the images you choose and where you place them in the room. Nature scenes or landscapes will help keep the focus on peacefulness rather than drama or tension while avoiding stoves or sinks will ensure good energy flow throughout the space without being blocked by appliances. Bowls of fresh fruit and flowers can attract additional positive energy into your kitchen – placing these items on counters and tables so they don’t get overlooked when entering the room.


By embracing feng shui principles, you can transform your kitchen into a sanctuary of positive energy, where cooking and gathering become more enjoyable experiences. So, why not embark on this journey and discover the power of feng shui in creating a kitchen that promotes balance, health, and prosperity?