Embracing Multiculturalism: Celebrating Diversity in Our School Community

Every day we have to challenge a new form of stereotype due to our diversity. It is ironic that in a diverse country like India, the country is still sometimes failing to preach unity beyond the differences in indigenous groups. After all, we all are blessed to be part of a country that allows us to celebrate a new festival almost every day of the year.

Upon speaking to parents from different heterogeneous groups, many cbse schools have realised how important introducing multiculturalism is.

As adults, we often wonder if our educational system has taught us more about different cultures and whether we could be fighting prejudices and microaggression better in terms of social engagement. However, many school administrative boards are realising that they can paint the future differently.

Yes, by celebrating every culture and also teaching students about the beauty in diversity. After all, we all are blessed to be part of a country that allows us to celebrate a new festival almost every day of the year.

In the excerpt below, we will be getting into the importance of multiculturalism and how many schools are incorporating the idea of ‘Diverse Celeration’ through curriculum and extracurricular.

Importance Of Multiculturalism

To build a better society, one has to be open and mindful of multiculturalism. If not taught well, a child can grow up to be prejudiced with severe xenophobia. Allowing him/her to justify the discrimination they make and how they act towards other cultural groups in their own country. Here is why cultural diversity is important, according to the best CBSE school in Gurgaon, incorporating cultural diversity for quite some time now.

  • It helps to challenge stereotypes that we often hear through word of mouth about other cultures and people belonging to different states.
  • Celebrating cultural diversity prevents anyone from resisting when speaking to someone from a different culture.
  • It allows children to celebrate the essence and beauty of every festival without feeling the need to stay away because it is “not their culture.”
  • Allows children to make friends from different diverse groups and learn about their culture through proximity.
  • Enhancing the educational experience through knowledge beyond the books and understanding about one’s own country better.

Overall, building better leaders who know how to respect differences and still manage to bring everyone together.

How Schools Are Celebrating The Diversity In Our Country

Being a country with a fusion of cultures overwhelm is not inevitable. Especially when suddenly your child is subjected to social engagement with a new world of different cultures from being in a very homogenous group within the family.

Here are some of the best schools in Gurgaon that pay attention to cultural diversity alongside academic excellence.

Introducing Multi-Cultural History

History as a traditional subject has been very straightforward thus far. We have always learnt about the most important events of world history, and our syllabus was done. Nowadays, cbse school is tweaking their history curriculum to also add Indian history at a micro level.

Celebrating the wars won by different states of the country and the heroes, legends, and myths which belonged to the places previously unheard of. Even if not in the core syllabus, teachers and parents are encouraged to teach their children historical facts resembling their own culture rather than having white-washed historical data embedded in their minds.

Having Multicultural Day

Since diversity almost calls for a new festival celebration every day, it is impossible in schools. This is why schools are introducing a brand new day to celebrate multiculturalism. A day specifically kept for food festivities and more from different cultures.

Every student is asked to resemble their own culture through traditional clothing and bring home-cooked meals for the kiosk. When guests from the school approach these culture kiosks, the student then explains the history behind their dresses, food, and other interesting facts about their upbringing.

This encourages curiosity among children to ask about cultural diversity, especially when they personally do not relate to it, and gain better knowledge about the world they live in.

Introducing Different Languages To The Curriculum

India has more than 100 languages spoken throughout the country, and a whopping 1000 (appx) dialects branching out from these languages. Needless to say, it is time-consuming and confusing for students to try to learn every language.

However, a basic idea wouldn’t be difficult to incorporate through social engagement in classrooms. This is what some schools are doing. During each geography class, when they are covering different states, the teacher is also talking about their cultural depiction, festivals, and the language they speak, alongside teaching children a few verses of that language which translates to regular pleasantries (hello, good morning, goodnight, etc.).

This ensures that later in their life, they are not completely oblivious to a certain state and the culture they project.

Acknowledging & Respecting Everyone

Many schools in Gurgaon are implementing the multicultural diversity plan. This means they will try to admit as many culturally diverse children in the school as possible. Having a diversity-rich campus helps children to ask more questions about languages and ethnicity.

The job of the teacher afterward is to be cordial and respectful towards this question, acknowledge that someone from a different ethnicity is in the class, and educate the children about them.

Some schools even talk about the student’s cultural background when they introduce the pupil for the first time.

Preparation Every School Should Take

Introducing multiculturalism undoubtedly is a good deed, and every school should start following it. However, you shouldn’t overwhelm the students all at once with an overlap of cultural diversity, especially the ones from lower standards like Kindergarten and preschool. This is how you can prepare for these social engagements according to the best cbse school for admission in Gurgaon.

  • Allow them to take the information in their own time and at the speed they prefer.
  • Do not try to force respect down their throat; let them make acquaintances in their own time.
  • Confusion for little children, when they meet someone from a different ethnicity, is common. It doesn’t resemble the facial features they are used to seeing around. Rather than condemning the child or calling their parents to ‘warn’, try to educate them.
  • Do not keep the parents out of the equation. Ask the parents to give their meaningful input on this measure for social engagement, and even invite them during multicultural celebrations.
  • Introduce literature from different states, arrange dramas from these stories, or teach them in classrooms. All these can act as a great source to make a child understand in a simple manner.
  • Give homework and essays regarding this subject to get the student’s opinions as well.