Different Kinds of Chiropractic Adjustments

chiropractor massage health bones

Although many chiropractic adjustments put pressure on a bone or joint, these jarring motions improve your range of motion and lessen discomfort. Some methods include diversified techniques using hand-held thrusts, drop technique on a special table, flexion-distraction adjusting on a special table, and Activator technique that uses spring-loaded instruments for quick impulses.


Most chiropractors are familiar with the diversified technique, the most widely used chiropractic manipulation/adjustment. This technique involves a quick thrust that delivers a high-velocity, low-amplitude movement to the joints in the body. It is the type of manipulation/adjustment that usually produces the popping noise associated with a chiropractic adjustment.

A diversified chiropractic adjustment aims to restore stiff joint motion and revitalize spine and extremities mobility. It is achieved by using a small thrust on a specific joint, resulting in a popping sound due to trapped air or gas cavitation. Brad Kern, a chiropractor, will palpate the joint to determine its quality and quantity of movement and then deliver a short thrust past that point of resistance to achieve the desired motion in the joint.


Gonstead adjusting is one of the most precise methods of adjustment. The technique is focused on locating and correcting primary subluxations in the spine and pelvic girdle. Gonstead chiropractors use a five-part analysis system, including visualization of posture, static palpation of the spinal structure, motion palpation and x-ray assessment of your total musculoskeletal framework.

The X-ray allows the Gonstead practitioner to look at all the components of your spine and pelvic girdle and see where there might be misalignments causing interference with your nervous system. A Gonstead doctor will then take a very careful approach to delivering the necessary spinal manipulations. Great care is taken to ensure mechanically correct positioning and precision thrusting to provide the most effective and painless adjustment possible.


Using their hands, chiropractors apply a quick thrust to the misaligned spinal joint or vertebrae to relieve pressure and restore motion, flexibility and balance. They also help reduce nerve blockages throughout the body to improve immunity and overall well-being. During this type of adjustment, you may hear a popping sound. It is caused by a change in pressure within the joint capsule, releasing nitrogen gas. It is similar to the popping sound you get when you crack your knuckles. This method can be performed manually or with a spring-loaded activator. It is often combined with other adjustments, such as the diversified technique or the drop table method. It is a great option for individuals who are apprehensive or have young children, as it uses low-force thrusts.

Myofascial Release

Fascia, the tough connective tissue that encases muscles throughout your body, can become tight, restricting movement and pinching nerves to create pain in other areas of your body, known as referred pain. Myofascial release focuses on massaging these fibrous bands of muscle and supporting sheaths to ease tension in the whole muscular system.

The therapist massages the fascia with fingers, knuckles, hands and elbows, using gentle pressure to break up the tension and lubricate the tissue to move more freely. Some patients describe a feeling like a “twitch” or a fleeting sensation of heat in the area of a knot or tight spot as this tense fascia begins to relax and move more easily.

Myofascial release can treat many conditions, including fibromyalgia and other chronic pain syndromes. This therapy improves blood flow, reduces pain and promotes healing of the muscles, tendons, ligaments and fascia.

Muscle Energy

The chiropractor employs a spring-loaded activator device for accurate, light-force spinal adjustments. The chiropractor can apply force to one articulation at a time without tense muscles resisting the treatment. The patient is sitting and instructed to contract the small intrinsic spinal muscles (think about a finger going into a joint and flexing it). Then they relax the power, which has a training effect, subconsciously teaching the forces how to fire properly. Patients with restricted mobility in the spine or other joints benefit from this approach. It may also relieve myofascial trigger points and tight muscle areas caused by stress or injury. It’s normal to feel sore in these areas shortly after this correction.